OpenStack External Networks

NSX Advanced Load Balancer supports using OpenStack external networks, the ones marked as "external=True" as VIP and/or pool networks. If these external networks have been correctly provisioned/ configured, then the VIP is directly reachable from outside OpenStack without need for a floating-IP association.

This feature is disabled by default.

To enable External Networks via the CLI,

configure cloud Default-Cloud
cloud> openstack_configuration
cloud:openstack_configuration> external_networks
cloud:openstack_configuration> save
cloud> save

External Networks can be enabled via the UI.

To enable the feature via the UI,

  1. From the UI, click on Infrastructure > Clouds.
  2. Navigate to Step 3: Network from the New Cloud: or Edit Cloud: wizard.

    If you are creating a new cloud, the wizard looks as below:
    External Networks

  3. Click on the option External Networks to enable it.

Starting with NSX Advanced Load Balance 22.1.3, the following is the procedure:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Clouds.
  2. Navigate to the OpenStack tab from the New Cloud: or Edit Cloud: wizard.
  3. If you are creating a new cloud, the wizard looks as below:
    External Networks