Avi Vantage Integration with Cisco CloudCenter

Cisco CloudCenter

Cisco CloudCenter is a cloud-agnostic orchestration platform that provides on-demand deployment of applications based on a defined deployment blueprint.

Avi Vantage Cloud Center Integration Overview

The Avi Vantage integration with Cisco CloudCenter (version 4.8 and later) supports incorporation of load-balancing services into your application deployment. Utilizing the REST API calls provided by the Avi Controller, the CloudCenter service supports the dynamic creation/deletion of virtual services, pools, pool servers, and dynamic addition/removal of pool servers from pools during scaling operations. Currently, the supported Avi clouds are VMware, Linux Server Cloud or No Orchestrator.

Avi Service Installation

Download the Avi Service Bundle from github: avinetworks.zip

To add the Avi service login to CloudCenter as an administrator and click on Admin -> Services -> Add Service. The information below should be used to create the Avi service.

Service Type: External Service
Name: Avi Networks
Service ID: avinetworks
Description: The Avi Vantage Platform delivers automated application services including load balancing, application analytics, predictive autoscaling, and security for on-premises or public cloud applications.
Category: Load Balancer

External Lifecycle Actions:

External Action Bundle: <location of avinetworks.zip>

Script from bundle: service update

Script from bundle: service start

Script from bundle: service stop

Avi Service Parameters

Virtual Service Attribute Allowed Values
Avi Tenant User Defined String
Virtual Service Name User Defined String
Virtual Service IP User Defined String
Enable SSL List of values:
* Yes
* No
SSL Certificate Editable path
SSL Key Editable path
Application Profile List of values:
* System-DNS
* System-HTTP (default)
* System-L4-Application
* System-SSL-Application
* System-Secure-HTTP
Persistence List of values:
* System-Persistence-App-Cookie
* System-Persistence-Client-IP
* System-Persistence-Custom-HTTP-Header
* System-Persistence-HTTP-Cookie (default)
* System-Persistence-TLD
Load Balancing Method List of values:
* Round Robin
* Least Load
* Fewest Servers
* Consistent Hash
* Fastest Response
* Core Affinity
* Least Connections (default) </tr>
Pool Server Port User Defined String
Health Monitor List of values:
* System-DNS
* System-HTTP
* System-HTTPS
* System-Ping
* System-TCP (default)
* System-UDP </tr> </tbody> </table>