Metrics Query API

Metrics are supported on objects virtualservice, serviceengine, pool, server, virtualmachine, and host. All metrics API have following syntax.

https://${controller}/api/analytics/metrics/ ${object_type}/${object_uuid}/?metric_id=${metric_id}& ${additional_kv_options}

By default APIs use tenant admin. In order to perform queries for a specific non admin tenant add HTTP header X-AVI-TENANT: When the X-AVI-TENANT header is specified the user access is checked against that tenant before analytics APIs are served.

For example use following api to query metricsl4_client.avg_bandwidth,l7_client.avg_complete_responses for virtualservice virtualservice-abc at intervals of 5mins and for past 6 hours (72 samples)

https://avicontroller/api/analytics/metrics/ virtualservice/virtualservice-abc/?metric_id=l4_client.avg_bandwidth, l7_client.avg_complete_responses&limit=72&step=300

Amongst all options limit, step, start and stop work together. step denotes the duration granularity of the metrics aggregation. Eg. step=300 means the average, sum, max etc are computed using metrics in 5min duration window. The metrics API would return one value every 5min as denoted by step. Avi solution supports step=300,3600,86400 values. When start and stop are not specified then stop is assumed to be the latest time in UTC and start is computed by stop - limit * step. When only start and step are specified then avi solution computes the limit based on the (stop - start) / step as query suggests return all the metrics available starting from time =start.

Here are some examples

1. Get metrics for last 6hrs: limit=72&step=300

2. Get metrics for last 1day: limit=288&step=300

3. Get metrics since T1: start=T1&step=300

4. Get latest single metric: limit=1&step=300

Metrics Query Options

Option Description Defaults
metric_entity Describes the entity type for which metrics is requested. Eg. &metric_entity=VSERVER_METRICS_ENTITY 1
entity UUID of the entity. Eg. entity_uuid=virtualservice-0-1
serviceengine UUID of the service engine.Eg. serviceengine_uuid=se-422ce810-50a4-2ecd-d45d-870656e99b7b
metric_id Comma separated list of metrics requested.Eg. metric_id=l4_client.avg_bandwidth,l7_client.avg_total_responses
start Start time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is UNIX Epoch. Eg. start=1970-01-01T00:00:00 1970-01-01T00:00:00
stop End time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is now. Eg. stop=2014-01-01T12:42:42
limit Max number of metric samples per metric requestedEg. limit=100 implies return only 100 samples 60
step Metrics time series returned with time points every time duration specified as step. Eg. if bandwidth is desired every 5 Secs then use step=5&metric_id=l4_client.avg_bandwidth 5
filters Filters on the metrics. Not supported
order_by Order metrics series by metric timestamp. -metric_timestamp will result in most recent value first in the time series metric_timestamp
include_statistics Include metrics statistics with the request True
pool metrics for a member pool in a virtual service
obj_id serverip:port of the pool server
pad_missing_data Pad missing data when not available True
include_refs Resolve UUID to names False
browser Browser filter. Eg. browser=Chrome
ipgroup IPGROUP filter Eg. UUID of the IP group
devtype Device type filter. Eg. devtype=desktop
os Operating system filter. Eg. os=mac
lang Language filter. Eg. lang=english
url URL filter. Eg. url=
country Two letter country filter. Eg. country=US
asn Autonomous System number. Eg. asn=3794
dimensions Group by dimensions for the metrics. Eg. For results by single dimension use dimensions=browser. For results by browser and operating system use dimensions=browser,os
dimension_aggregation Aggregations for dimensions. Eg. use dimenstion_aggregation=avg for averaged metric values 0
server Pool Server ID in format server IP:port. Eg.
dimension_filter_op Filters the obj_id based on the filter specified. 1
validate_data Validate every data before returning. This will result in increased latency and should only be used for troubleshooting False
dimension_limit Limit the number of dimensions in the result. specially useful in case of URLs 10
client_insights Client Insights Source Type - Active or Passive 3
detailed_header Detailed header returns metric information, statistics etc. It is has overhead which can be bypassed if caller just wants raw data True
tenant UUID of the Tenant.
attack Dos Attack ID filter
aggregate_entity Required if the metrics need to be aggregated across multiple entities like virtualservice False
id ID of the request. In case of GET API it is returned in the metrics query response. In case of collections API responses are grouped byresponses corresponding to each optimized query
page page id for the query. Allowed only for aggregation queries
page_size page size of the query. Allowed only for the aggregation queries
prediction Request prediction values instead of actual observed metrics in future if supported.
microservice_levels number of levels of microservices map 0
aggregate_obj_id Aggregate metrics for all the records for obj_id. When this is set obj_id is treated as a filter rather than a dimension. False

L4_Server Metrics

Virtualservice, Pool and Backend Network (Layer 4) Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
l4_server.apdexc apdex for server based on connections METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_available_capacity Maximum available capacity of server in connections/s. It is difference between the max_capacity and averaged load on the server METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_bandwidth Average transmit and receive network bandwidth between client and virtual service. BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_capacity Average of max capacity of a server in connections/sacross all micro service engines. Pool level metric reflects averaged max capacity across all the servers in the pool. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_server.avg_complete_conns Rate of total connections per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_connections_dropped Rate of dropped connections per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_server.avg_errored_connections Rate of total errored connections per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_server.avg_est_capacity Avg of estimated capacity of a server in connections/ssummed across all micro service engines. Pool level metric reflects summed estimated capacity across all the servers in the pool. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_goodput Actual application data goodput as bytes per second BYTES_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_health_status Status of the server. 0 is down 100 is up METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_server.avg_lossy_connections Rate of lossy connections per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_server.avg_new_established_conns Average rate new pool server connections established as per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_open_conns Avg number of open connections METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS True
l4_server.avg_pool_bandwidth Average transmit and receive network bandwidth between client and virtual service across all servers in a Pool. BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_pool_complete_conns Avg. Rate of total connections per second across all servers PER_SECOND False True
l4_server.avg_pool_errored_connections Average rate of total errored connections per second averaged across all servers in a Pool PER_SECOND False True
l4_server.avg_pool_new_established_conns Average rate of new pool server connections established as per second across all servers PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_pool_open_conns Average per server open connections in the pool PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_rx_bytes Average rate of bytes received per second BYTES_PER_SECOND False True
l4_server.avg_rx_goodput Actual application receive data goodput as bytes per second BYTES_PER_SECOND False False
l4_server.avg_rx_pkts Average rate of packets received per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_server.avg_server_count Server Count METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.avg_server_uptime Server Uptime in % PERCENT False False
l4_server.avg_syns_sent Total syncs sent across all connections PER_SECOND False False
l4_server.avg_total_rtt Averaged RTT across all connections closed MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.avg_tx_bytes Average rate of bytes transmitted per second BYTES_PER_SECOND False True
l4_server.avg_tx_goodput Actual application transmit data goodput as bytes per second BYTES_PER_SECOND False False
l4_server.avg_tx_pkts Average rate of packets transmitted per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_server.avg_uptime Averaged server Uptime as percent of time it was up PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.max_available_capacity Maximum available capacity of server in connections/s. It is difference between the max_capacity and averaged load on the server METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_server.max_capacity Maximum capacity of a server in connections/sacross all micro service engines. Pool level metric reflects maximum capacity across all the servers in the pool. This metric's 1 day value would represent maximum capacity over any .real time window over that 1 day window METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_server.max_open_conns Max number of open connections METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_server.max_rx_bytes_absolute Total number of received bytes METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.max_rx_pkts_absolute Total number of received frames METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.max_tx_bytes_absolute Total number of transmitted bytes METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.max_tx_pkts_absolute Total number of transmitted frames METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.pct_connection_errors Percent of l4 connection dropped and lossy for server PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.pct_connection_saturation Saturation percent of server in percent PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_server.sum_conn_duration Total duration across all connections MILLISECONDS False False
l4_server.sum_connection_errors Total number of client network connections that were lossy or dropped. METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_server.sum_connection_setup_time Total connection setup time across all connections MILLISECONDS False False
l4_server.sum_connections_dropped Total connections dropped including failed METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_server.sum_dup_ack_retransmits Total duplicate ACK retransmits across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.sum_finished_conns Total number of finished connections METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_server.sum_health_check_failures total number of times this server was marked down METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_server.sum_lb_fail_count Number of times load balancing failed METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_server.sum_lossy_connections Total connections that were lossy due to high packet retransmissions. METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_server.sum_lossy_req Total requests that were lossy due to high packet retransmissions. METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_server.sum_num_state_changes Number of server up/down state changes in the previous period METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.sum_out_of_orders Total out of order packets across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.sum_rtt Total RTT across all connections MILLISECONDS False False
l4_server.sum_rtt_valid_connections Total number connections used for rtt METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.sum_rx_tcp_resets Total number of RCP resets sent across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.sum_rx_zero_window_size_events Total number of receive zero window size events across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.sum_sack_retransmits Total SACK retransmits across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.sum_timeout_retransmits Total connection timeouts in the interval METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_server.sum_tx_zero_window_size_events Total number of transmit zero window size events across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False

L4_Client Metrics

Virtualservice frontend Network (Layer 4) Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
l4_client.apdexc apdex measuring quality of network connections to servers METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_client.apdexrtt apdex measuring network connection quality based on RTT METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_client.avg_application_dos_attacks Number of Application DDOS attacks occurring PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_client.avg_bandwidth Average transmit and receive network bandwidth between client and virtual service. BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS True
l4_client.avg_bytes_policy_drops Averaged rate bytes dropped per second. BYTES_PER_SECOND False False
l4_client.avg_complete_conns Rate of total connections per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS True
l4_client.avg_connections_dropped Rate of dropped connections per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_dos_app_error DoS attack: Rate of HTTP App Errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_attacks Number DDOS attacks occurring PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_client.avg_dos_bad_rst_flood DoS attack: Rate of Bad Rst Floods PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_bandwidth Average transmit and receive network bandwidth between client and virtual service related to DDoS attack. BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_client.avg_dos_conn Number of connections considered as DoS PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_conn_ip_rl_drop DoS attack: Connections dropped due to IP rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_conn_rl_drop DoS attack: Connections dropped due to VS rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_fake_session DoS attack: Rate of Fake Sessions PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_http_abort DoS attack: Rate of HTTP Aborts PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_http_error DoS attack: Rate of HTTP Errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_http_timeout DoS attack: Rate of HTTP Timeouts PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_malformed_flood DoS attack: Rate of Malformed Packet Floods PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_non_syn_flood DoS attack: Non SYN packet flood PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req Number of request considered as DoS PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_cookie_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to Cookie rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_custom_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to Custom rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_hdr_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to Header rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_ip_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to IP rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_ip_rl_drop_bad DoS attack: Requests dropped due to IP rate limit for bad requests PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_ip_scan_bad_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to bad IP rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_ip_scan_unknown_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to unknown IP rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_ip_uri_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to IP+URL rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_ip_uri_rl_drop_bad DoS attack: Requests dropped due to IP+URL rate limit for bad requests PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to VS rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_uri_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to URL rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_uri_rl_drop_bad DoS attack: Requests dropped due to URL rate limit for bad requests PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_uri_scan_bad_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to bad URL rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_req_uri_scan_unknown_rl_drop DoS attack: Requests dropped due to unknown URL rate limit PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_rx_bytes Average rate of bytes received per second related to DDoS attack BYTES_PER_SECOND False False
l4_client.avg_dos_slow_uri DoS attack: Slow Uri PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_small_window_stress DoS attack: Rate of Small Window Stresses PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_ssl_error DoS attack: Rate of HTTP SSL Errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_syn_flood DoS attack: Rate of Syn Floods PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_total_req Total number of request used for L7 dos requests normalization PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_dos_tx_bytes Average rate of bytes transmitted per second related to DDoS attack BYTES_PER_SECOND False False
l4_client.avg_dos_zero_window_stress DoS attack: Rate of Zero Window Stresses PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.avg_errored_connections Rate of total errored connections per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_half_open_conns Average rate of SYN DDoS attacks on Virtual Service. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS False
l4_client.avg_l4_client_latency Average L4 connection duration which does not include client RTT MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_client.avg_lossy_connections Rate of lossy connections per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_lossy_req Averaged rate of lossy request per second. PER_SECOND False False
l4_client.avg_network_dos_attacks Number of Network DDOS attacks occurring PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_client.avg_new_established_conns Averaged rate of new client connections per second. PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_pkts_policy_drops Averaged rate of dropped packets per second due to policy PER_SECOND False False
l4_client.avg_policy_drops Rate of total connections dropped due to VS policy per second. It includes drops due to rate limits, security policy drops, connection limits etc. PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_rx_bytes Average rate of bytes received per second BYTES_PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_rx_bytes_dropped Average rate of received bytes dropped per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_rx_pkts Average rate of packets received per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_rx_pkts_dropped Average rate of received packets dropped per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_syns Total syncs sent across all connections PER_SECOND False False
l4_client.avg_total_connections Averaged rate bytes dropped per second. BYTES_PER_SECOND False False
l4_client.avg_total_rtt Average network round trip time between client and virtual service MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_client.avg_tx_bytes Average rate of bytes transmitted per second BYTES_PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.avg_tx_pkts Average rate of packets transmitted per second PER_SECOND False True
l4_client.max_num_active_se Max number of SEs. METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.max_open_conns Max number of open connections METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS True
l4_client.max_rx_bytes_absolute Total number of received bytes METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.max_rx_pkts_absolute Total number of received frames METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.max_tx_bytes_absolute Total number of transmitted bytes METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.max_tx_pkts_absolute Total number of transmitted frames METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.pct_application_dos_attacks Fraction of L7 requests owing to DoS. PERCENT False True
l4_client.pct_connection_errors Percent of l4 connection dropped and lossy for virtual service PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l4_client.pct_connections_dos_attacks Fraction of L4 connections owing to DoS. PERCENT False True
l4_client.pct_dos_bandwidth DoS bandwidth percentage. PERCENT False True
l4_client.pct_dos_rx_bytes Percentage of received bytes as part of a DoS attack. PERCENT False True
l4_client.pct_network_dos_attacks Deprecated True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.pct_pkts_dos_attacks Fraction of packets owing to DoS. PERCENT False True
l4_client.pct_policy_drops Fraction of L4 requests dropped owing to policy. PERCENT False True
l4_client.sum_conn_duration Total duration across all connections SECONDS False False
l4_client.sum_connection_dropped_user_limit Total number of connection dropped due to vserver connection limit METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.sum_connection_errors Total number of client network connections that were lossy or dropped. METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_client.sum_connections_dropped Total connections dropped including failed METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_dup_ack_retransmits Total duplicate ACK retransmits across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_end_to_end_rtt Sum of end to end network RTT experienced by end clients. Higher value would increase response times experienced by clients. METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_end_to_end_rtt_bucket1 Total connections that have RTT values from 0 to RTT threshold METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_end_to_end_rtt_bucket2 Total connections that have RTT values RTT threshold and above METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_finished_conns Total number of finished connections METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_client.sum_lossy_connections Total connections that were lossy due to high packet retransmissions. METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_client.sum_lossy_req Total requests that were lossy due to high packet retransmissions. METRIC_COUNT False True
l4_client.sum_out_of_orders Total out of order packets across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_packet_dropped_user_bandwidth_limit Total number of packets dropped due to vserver bandwidth limit METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l4_client.sum_rtt_valid_connections Total number connections used for rtt METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_sack_retransmits Total SACK retransmits across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_server_flow_control Total number of connections with server flow control condition METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_timeout_retransmits Total connection timeouts in the interval METRIC_COUNT False False
l4_client.sum_zero_window_size_events Total number of zero window size events across all connections METRIC_COUNT False False

L7_Server Metrics

Virtualservice, Pool and Backend Application (Layer 7) Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
l7_server.apdexr apdex measuring response quality of server METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_application_response_time Average latency measured for pool server MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_complete_responses Rate of HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_error_responses Rate of HTTP error responses sent per second. It does not include errors excluded in analytics profile. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_errors_excluded Rate of HTTP responses excluded as errors based on analytics profile PER_SECOND False False
l7_server.avg_frustrated_responses Avg number of HTTP requests that completed within frustrated latency PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_pool_complete_responses Avg rate of HTTP responses sent per second across all servers in a pool PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_pool_error_responses Average rate of HTTP responses sent per second across all servers in a pool PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_reqs_per_session Average number of requests per sessions closed in the interval PER_SECOND False False
l7_server.avg_resp_1xx Rate of 1xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND False True
l7_server.avg_resp_2xx Rate of 2xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND False True
l7_server.avg_resp_3xx Rate of 3xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_resp_4xx Rate of 4xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND False True
l7_server.avg_resp_4xx_errors Rate of 4xx HTTP responses as errors sent per second. It does not include any error codes excluded in the analytics profile PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_resp_4xx_errors_excluded Rate of 4xx HTTP responses excluded as errors based on analytics profile PER_SECOND False False
l7_server.avg_resp_5xx Rate of 5xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND False True
l7_server.avg_resp_5xx_errors Rate of 5xx HTTP responses as errors sent per second. It does not include any error codes excluded in the analytics profile PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_resp_5xx_errors_excluded Rate of 4xx HTTP responses excluded as errors based on analytics profile PER_SECOND False False
l7_server.avg_resp_latency Average latency measured for pool server MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_satisfactory_responses Avg number of HTTP requests that completed within satisfactory latency PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_server_count Server count METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.avg_server_uptime Server Uptime in % PERCENT False False
l7_server.avg_timeouts Average number of requests that timeouted out. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_server.avg_tolerated_responses Avg number of HTTP requests that completed within tolerated latency PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.avg_total_requests Average rate of HTTP requests received by a pool's server per second. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.max_concurrent_sessions Maximum number of concurrent HTTP sessions METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_server.pct_response_errors Percent of HTTP 4xx and 5xx responses PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_server.sum_application_response_time Average latency measured for pool server MILLISECONDS False False
l7_server.sum_finished_sessions Number of server sessions closed in this interval METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_get_reqs Total number of HTTP GET requests METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_server.sum_get_resp_latency Total latency from responses to all the GET requests MILLISECONDS False False
l7_server.sum_get_resp_latency_bucket1 Total number of HTTP GET requests that were responded satisfactorily within latency threshold METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_get_resp_latency_bucket2 Total number of HTTP GET requests that were responded beyond latency threshold but within tolerated limits METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_lb_fail_count Number of times load balancing failed METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_server.sum_other_reqs Total number of HTTP requests that are not GET or POST requests METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_server.sum_other_resp_latency Total latency from responses to all the requests other than GET or POST MILLISECONDS False False
l7_server.sum_other_resp_latency_bucket1 Total number of HTTP requests other than GET or POST that were responded satisfactorily within latency threshold METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_other_resp_latency_bucket2 Total number of HTTP requests other than GET or POST that were responded beyond latency threshold but within tolerated limits METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_post_reqs Total number of HTTP POST requests METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_server.sum_post_resp_latency Total latency from responses to all the POST requests MILLISECONDS False False
l7_server.sum_post_resp_latency_bucket1 Total number of HTTP POST requests that were responded satisfactorily within latency threshold METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_post_resp_latency_bucket2 Total number of HTTP POST requests that were responded beyond latency threshold but within tolerated limits METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_reqs_finished_sessions Total number of requests served across server sessions closed in the interval METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_resp_1xx Total number of HTTP 1XX responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_resp_2xx Total number of HTTP 2XX responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_resp_3xx Total number of HTTP 3XX responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_resp_4xx Total number of HTTP 4XX error responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_resp_5xx Total number of HTTP 5XX error responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_server.sum_total_responses Total number of HTTP responses sent METRIC_COUNT False True

L7_Client Metrics

Virtualservice frontend application (Layer 7) Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
l7_client.apdexr Client Apdex measures quality of server response based on latency METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_application_response_time Average server/application response latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_blocking_time Average time client was blocked as reported by client MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_browser_rendering_time Average browser rendering latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_cache_bytes Average cache bytes PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_cache_hits Average cache hit of requests PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_cacheable_bytes Average cacheable bytes PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_cacheable_hits Average cacheable hit of requests PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_client_data_transfer_time Average client data transfer time that represents latency of sending response to the client excluding the RTT time . Higher client data transfer time signifies lower bandwidth between client and Avi Service Engine MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_client_rtt Average client Round Trip Time MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_client_txn_latency Average client transaction latency computed by adding response latencies across all HTTP requests. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_complete_responses Rate of HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS True
l7_client.avg_connection_time Average client connection latency reported by client MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_dns_lookup_time Average domain lookup latency reported by client MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_dom_content_load_time Average Dom content Load Time reported by clients MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_error_responses Rate of HTTP error responses sent per second. It does not include errors excluded in analytics profile. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_errors_excluded Rate of HTTP responses excluded as errors based on analytics profile PER_SECOND False False
l7_client.avg_frustrated_responses Avg number of HTTP requests that completed within frustrated latency PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_http_headers_bytes Average size of HTTP headers per request. BYTES False True
l7_client.avg_http_headers_count Average number of HTTP headers per request. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.avg_http_params_count Average number of HTTP request parameters per request. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.avg_page_download_time Average Page Load time reported by clients MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_page_load_time Average Page Load Time reported by client MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_params_per_req Average number of HTTP request parameters per request, taking into account only requests with parameters. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.avg_post_bytes Average size of HTTP POST request. BYTES False True
l7_client.avg_post_compression_bytes Average post compression bytes BYTES_PER_SECOND False False
l7_client.avg_pre_compression_bytes Average pre compression bytes BYTES_PER_SECOND False False
l7_client.avg_redirection_time Average redirect latency reported by client MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_reqs_per_session Average requests per session measured for closed sessions PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_resp_1xx Rate of 1xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_resp_2xx Rate of 2xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_resp_3xx Rate of 3xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_resp_4xx Rate of 4xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_resp_4xx_avi_errors Rate of 4xx HTTP responses as errors sent by avi. It does not include any error codes excluded in the analytics profile and pool server errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_resp_5xx Rate of 5xx HTTP responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_resp_5xx_avi_errors Rate of 5xx HTTP responses as errors sent by avi. It does not include any error codes excluded in the analytics profile and pool server errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_rum_client_data_transfer_time Total client data transfer time by client MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_satisfactory_responses Avg number of HTTP requests that completed within satisfactory latency PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_server_rtt Average server Round Trip Time MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_service_time Average latency from receipt of request to start of response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_ssl_auth_dsa Average SSL Sessions using DSA certificate PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_auth_ecdsa Average SSL Sessions using Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) certificates PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_auth_rsa Average SSL Sessions using RSA certificate PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_connections Average SSL Sessions PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_ssl_ecdsa_non_pfs Average SSL Exchanges using EC Cerificates without PFS PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_ecdsa_pfs Average SSL Exchanges using EC Cerificates and PFS PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_errors Average SSL errors due to clients, protocol errors,network errors and handshake timeouts PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_ssl_failed_connections Average SSL connections failed due to protocol , network or timeout reasons PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_ssl_handshake_network_errors Average SSL handshakes failed due to network errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_handshake_protocol_errors Average SSL handshake failed due to clients or protocol errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_handshakes_new Average new successful SSL sessions PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_ssl_handshakes_non_pfs Average SSL Exchanges using Non-PFS PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_ssl_handshakes_pfs Average SSL Exchanges using PFS PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_ssl_handshakes_reused Average new successful resumed SSL sessions PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_ssl_handshakes_timedout Average SSL handshakes timed out PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_kx_dh Average SSL Exchanges using Diffie-Hellman PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_kx_ecdh Average SSL Exchanges using RSA PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_kx_rsa Average SSL Exchanges using RSA PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_rsa_non_pfs Average SSL Exchanges using RSA Cerificates without PFS PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_rsa_pfs Average SSL Exchanges using RSA Cerificates and PFS PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_ver_ssl30 Average SSL Sessions with version 3.0 PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_ver_tls10 Average SSL Sessions with TLS version 1.0 PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_ver_tls11 Average SSL Sessions with TLS version 1.1 PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_ver_tls12 Average SSL Sessions with TLS version 1.2 PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_ssl_ver_tls13 Average SSL Sessions with TLS version 1.3 PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.avg_tolerated_responses Avg number of HTTP requests that completed within tolerated latency PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_total_http2_requests Average number of client HTTP2 requests received by the Virtual Service per second. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_total_requests Average rate of client HTTP requests received by the virtual service per second. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_uri_length Average length of HTTP URI per request. BYTES False True
l7_client.avg_waf_attacks Average number of transactions per second identified by WAF as attacks. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS True
l7_client.avg_waf_disabled Average number of transactions per second bypassing WAF. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_evaluated Average number of transactions per second evaluated by WAF. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_evaluated_request_body_phase Average number of requests per second evaluated by WAF in Request Body Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_evaluated_request_header_phase Average number of requests per second evaluated by WAF in Request Header Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_evaluated_response_body_phase Average number of responses per second evaluated by WAF in Response Body Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_evaluated_response_header_phase Average number of responsess per second evaluated by WAF in Response Header Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_flagged Average number of transactions per second flagged by WAF. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_flagged_request_body_phase Average number of requests per second flagged (but not rejected) by WAF in Request Body Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_flagged_request_header_phase Average number of requests per second flagged (but not rejected) by WAF in Request Header Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_flagged_response_body_phase Average number of responses per second flagged (but not rejected) by WAF in Response Body Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_flagged_response_header_phase Average number of responses per second flagged (but not rejected) by WAF in Response Header Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_latency_request_body_phase Average waf latency seen due to WAF Request Body processing. MICROSECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_latency_request_header_phase Average waf latency seen due to WAF Request Header processing. MICROSECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_latency_response_body_phase Average waf latency seen due to WAF Response Body processing. MICROSECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_latency_response_header_phase Average waf latency seen due to WAF Response Header processing. MICROSECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_matched Average number of transactions per second matched by WAF rule/rules. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_matched_request_body_phase Average number of requests per second matched by WAF in Request Body Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_matched_request_header_phase Average number of requests per second matched by WAF in Request Header Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_matched_response_body_phase Average number of responses per second matched by WAF in Response Body Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_matched_response_header_phase Average number of responses per second matched by WAF in Response Header Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_rejected Average number of transactions per second rejected by WAF. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_rejected_request_body_phase Average number of requests per second rejected by WAF in Request Body Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_rejected_request_header_phase Average number of requests per second rejected by WAF in Request Header Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_rejected_response_body_phase Average number of responses per second rejected by WAF in Response Body Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waf_rejected_response_header_phase Average number of responses per second rejected by WAF in Response Header Phase. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.avg_waiting_time Average Waiting Time reported by client MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.max_concurrent_sessions Maximum number of concurrent HTTP sessions METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.max_ssl_open_sessions Maximum number of open SSL sessions METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.pct_cache_hits Percentage cache hit of requests PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.pct_cacheable_hits Percentage cacheable hit of requests PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.pct_get_reqs Number of HTTP GET requests as a percentage of total requests received. PERCENT False True
l7_client.pct_post_reqs Number of HTTP POST requests as a percentage of total requests received. PERCENT False True
l7_client.pct_response_errors Percent of 4xx and 5xx responses PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.pct_ssl_failed_connections Percent of SSL connections failured due to protocol , network or timeout reasons PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.pct_waf_attacks Malicious transactions (Attacks) identified by WAF as the pecentage of total requests received. PERCENT False True
l7_client.pct_waf_disabled Transactions bypassing WAF as the percentage of total requests received. PERCENT False True
l7_client.pct_waf_evaluated WAF evaluated transactions as the pecentage of total requests received. PERCENT False True
l7_client.pct_waf_flagged WAF flagged transactions as the percentage of total WAF evaluated transactions. PERCENT False True
l7_client.pct_waf_matched WAF matched requests as the percentage of total WAF evaluated requests. PERCENT False True
l7_client.pct_waf_rejected WAF rejected transactions as the percentage of total WAF evaluated transactions. PERCENT False True
l7_client.rum_apdexr Apdex measures quality of server response based on Real User Metric METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.ssl_protocol_strength Protocol strength of SSL ciphers used. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
l7_client.sum_application_response_time Total time taken by server to respond to requesti MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_blocking_time Total time client was blocked MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_browser_rendering_time Total browser rendering latency reported by client MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_client_data_transfer_time Average client data transfer time computed by adding response latencies across all HTTP requests. MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_client_rtt Sum of all client Round Trip Times for all samples MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_connection_time Total client connection latency reported by client MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_dns_lookup_time Total domain lookup latency reported by client MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_dom_content_load_time Total dom content latency reported by client MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_errors Count of HTTP 400 and 500 errors for a virtual service in a time interval. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_finished_sessions Number of server sessions closed in this interval METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_get_client_txn_latency Total latency from responses to all the GET requests MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_get_client_txn_latency_bucket1 Total number of HTTP GET requests that were responded satisfactorily within latency threshold METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_get_client_txn_latency_bucket2 Total number of HTTP GET requests that were responded beyond latency threshold but within tolerated limits METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_get_reqs Total number of HTTP GET requests METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_http_headers_bytes Total size of HTTP request headers. BYTES False False
l7_client.sum_http_headers_count Total number of HTTP headers across all requests in a given metrics interval. METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_http_params_count Total number of HTTP request parameters. METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_num_page_load_time_bucket1 Total samples that had satisfactory page load time METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_num_page_load_time_bucket2 Total samples that had tolerated page load time METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_num_rum_samples Total samples used for rum metrics METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_other_client_txn_latency Total latency from responses to all the requests other than GET or POST MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_other_client_txn_latency_bucket1 Total number of HTTP requests other than GET or POST that were responded satisfactorily within latency threshold METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_other_client_txn_latency_bucket2 Total number of HTTP requests other than GET or POST that were responded beyond latency threshold but within tolerated limits METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_other_reqs Total number of HTTP requests that are not GET or POST requests METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_page_download_time Total time to transfer response to client MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_page_load_time Total Page Load Time reported by client MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_post_bytes Total size of HTTP POST requests. BYTES False False
l7_client.sum_post_client_txn_latency Total latency from responses to all the POST requests MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_post_client_txn_latency_bucket1 Total number of HTTP POST requests that were responded satisfactorily within latency threshold METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_post_client_txn_latency_bucket2 Total number of HTTP POST requests that were responded beyond latency threshold but within tolerated limits METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_post_reqs Total number of HTTP POST requests METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_redirection_time Total redirect latency reported by client MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_reqs_finished_sessions Total number of requests served across server sessions closed in the interval METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_reqs_with_params Total number of HTTP requests containing at least one parameter. METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_resp_1xx Total number of HTTP 1XX responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_resp_2xx Total number of HTTP 2XX responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_resp_3xx Total number of HTTP 3XX responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_resp_4xx Total number of HTTP 4XX error responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_resp_5xx Total number of HTTP 5XX error responses METRIC_COUNT False False
l7_client.sum_rum_client_data_transfer_time Total client data transfer time by client MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_server_rtt Sum of all server Round Trip Times for all samples MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_service_time Total time from receipt of request to start of response MILLISECONDS False False
l7_client.sum_total_responses Total number of HTTP responses sent METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_uri_length Total length of HTTP request URIs. BYTES False False
l7_client.sum_waf_attacks Total number of transactions identified by WAF as attacks. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_waf_disabled Total number of requests bypassing WAF. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_evaluated_request_body_phase Total number of requests evaluated by WAF in Request Body Phase. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_waf_evaluated_request_header_phase Total number of requests evaluated by WAF in Request Header Phase. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_waf_evaluated_response_body_phase Total number of responses evaluated by WAF in Response Body Phase. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_evaluated_response_header_phase Total number of responses evaluated by WAF in Response Header Phase. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_flagged Total number of transactions (requests or responses) flagged as attack by WAF. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_flagged_request_body_phase Total number of requests flagged (but not rejected) by WAF in Request Body Phase. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_waf_flagged_request_header_phase Total number of requests flagged (but not rejected) by WAF in Request Header Phase. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_waf_flagged_response_body_phase Total number of responses flagged (but not rejected) by WAF in Response Body Phase. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_flagged_response_header_phase Total number of responses flagged (but not rejected) by WAF in Response Header Phase. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_latency_request_body_phase Total latency seen by all evaluated requests in Request Body Phase MICROSECONDS False True
l7_client.sum_waf_latency_request_header_phase Total latency seen by all transactions evaluated by WAF in Request Header Phase MICROSECONDS False True
l7_client.sum_waf_latency_response_body_phase Total latency seen by all evaluated responses in Response Body Phase MICROSECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_latency_response_header_phase Total latency seen by all evaluated responsess in WAF Response Header Phase MICROSECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_matched_request_body_phase Total number of requests matched by WAF in Request Body Phase. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_waf_matched_request_header_phase Total number of requests matched by WAF in Request Header Phase. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_waf_matched_response_body_phase Total number of responses matched by WAF in Response Body Phase. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_matched_response_header_phase Total number of responses matched by WAF in Response Header Phase. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_rejected Total number of transactions (requests or responses) rejected by WAF. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_rejected_request_body_phase Total number of requests rejected by WAF in Request Body Phase. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_waf_rejected_request_header_phase Total number of requests rejected by WAF in Request Header Phase. METRIC_COUNT False True
l7_client.sum_waf_rejected_response_body_phase Total number of responses rejected by WAF in Response Body Phase. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waf_rejected_response_header_phase Total number of responses rejected by WAF in Response Header Phase. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
l7_client.sum_waiting_time Total waiting reported by client MILLISECONDS False False

Vm_Stats Metrics

Virtualmachine Infrastructure Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
vm_stats.avg_cpu_maxlimited Percent of time virtual machine was ready to run but had to wait due to CPU limits. This indicates potential configuration issue of not enough CPU assigned to the virtual machine. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_cpu_ready Percent of time virtual machine was ready to run but had to wait as it could not be scheduled on physical CPU. This indicates CPU starvation for the virtual machine. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_cpu_usage Average CPU usage as a percentage of CPU available to the server. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_cpu_wait Percent of time virtual machine was ready to run either due to other VMs stealing CPU or hitting CPU limits configured in vCenter. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_cpus_system_time_secs CPU time consumed in kernel land SECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_cpus_user_time_secs CPU time consumed in user land SECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_disk1_usage Virtual disk1 capacity usage. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_disk2_usage Virtual disk2 capacity usage. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_disk3_usage Virtual disk3 capacity usage. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_disk4_usage Virtual disk4 capacity usage. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_disk_commands_aborted Average rate of disk commands aborted PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_disk_io Rate of disk reads and writes PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_disk_max_total_latency Average max latency observed across all disks PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_disk_number_read Average number of times data was read from each virtual disk on the virtual machine PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_disk_number_write Average number of times data was written to each virtual disk on the virtual machine PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_disk_read Rate of reading data from the disk. KILO_BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_disk_write Rate of writing data from the disk. KILO_BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_mem_swap_in Total amount of data that has been read into machine memory from the swap file since the virtual machine was powered on KILO_BYTES True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_mem_swap_out Total amount of data that the VMkernel has written to the virtual machine swap file from machine memory. This statistic refers to VMkernel swapping and not to guest OS swapping KILO_BYTES True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_mem_usage Average memory usage as percentage of memory available to the server. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_mem_vmmemctl Virtual machine: Amount of guest physical memory that is currently reclaimed from the virtual machine through ballooning. This is the amount of guest physical memory that has been allocated and pinned by the balloon driver KILO_BYTES True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_net_dropped Rate of dropped network packets in both receive and transmit direction. This may be indication of potential network congestion. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_net_dropped_rx Average number of receive packets dropped PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_net_dropped_tx Average number of transmit packets dropped PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_net_errors_rx Average number of packets with errors received PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_net_errors_tx Average number of packets with errors transmitted PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_net_received Average network traffic received by the virtual machine KILO_BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_net_transmitted Average network traffic transmitted by the virtual machine KILO_BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_net_usage Combined transmit and receive bandwidth for virtual machine KILO_BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_port_usage Percentage of high ports used PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_uptime Total % time VM was up during an interval. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_virtual_disk_commands_aborted Number of SCSI commands aborted PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
vm_stats.avg_virtual_disk_read Rate of read data from the virtual disk. KILO_BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_virtual_disk_throughput_usage Virtual disk I/O rate. KILO_BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vm_stats.avg_virtual_disk_write Rate of read data from the virtual disk. KILO_BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False

Se_Stats Metrics

ServiceEngine Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
se_stats.avg_connection_mem_usage Connection memory usage as percentage of total allowed for connections PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_connection_policy_drops Total number of connections dropped at SE due to policies configured in VS eg. security policy, rate limits connection limit, bandwidth limit etc. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_connections Average number of connections including the dropped connections and ones due to policy drops. This would be same as number of SYNS seen by SE on any VS PER_SECOND False True
se_stats.avg_connections_dropped Total number of connections dropped excluding the dropped connections and ones due to policy drops. This would be same as number of SYNS seen by SE on any VS. It include both connections that failed to establish PER_SECOND False True
se_stats.avg_cpu_usage This is the host's view of the CPU usage as amount of actively used virtual CPU, as a percentage of total available CPU PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_disk1_usage SE disk 1 capacity usage. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_dos_icmp_flood DoS attack: Icmp Ping Flood PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_ip_frag_full DoS attack: Ip Fragmentation Full PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_ip_frag_incomplete DoS attack: Ip Fragmentation Incomplete PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_ip_frag_overrun DoS attack: Ip Fragmentation Overrun PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_ip_frag_toosmall DoS attack: Ip Fragmentation Too Small PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_land DoS attack: Land PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_port_scan DoS attack: Port Scan PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_smurf DoS attack: Smurf PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_tcp_non_syn_flood DoS attack: Non Syn Flood (Deprecated) PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_teardrop DoS attack: Teardrop PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dos_unknown_protocol DoS attack: Unknown Protocol PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_dynamic_mem_usage Percentage of SE's dynamic memory usage. PERCENT False True
se_stats.avg_mem_usage Memory usage as percentage of total configured or available memory PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_packet_buffer_header_usage Packet Buffer usage as percentage of total packet buffer headers PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_packet_buffer_large_usage Packet Buffer usage as percentage of total large packet buffers PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_packet_buffer_size Total packet buffer size MEGA_BYTES False False
se_stats.avg_packet_buffer_small_usage Packet Buffer usage as percentage of total small packet buffers PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_packet_buffer_usage Packet Buffer usage as percentage of total configured packet buffers PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_persistent_table_size session persistent table entries size METRIC_COUNT False False
se_stats.avg_persistent_table_usage session persistent table entries usage percent PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_rx_bytes_dropped Avg. number of bytes per sec of received packets dropped. It includes packets across all VS and non VS BYTES_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_rx_pkts_dropped Avg. number of received packets dropped per sec. It includes packets across all VS and non VS PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_shared_memory_usage Shared memory usage as percentage of total available shared memory PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.avg_ssl_session_cache ssl session cache METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.avg_ssl_session_cache_usage ssl session cache usage in percent PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.max_connection_mem_total Total memory available for connections on the Service Engine MEGA_BYTES True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.max_connection_table_size Number of connection/flow table entries METRIC_COUNT False False
se_stats.max_num_vs Max number of vs METRIC_COUNT False False
se_stats.max_synseen_entries_size Max size of synseen entries METRIC_COUNT False False
se_stats.max_total_memory Total memory present on the Service Engine MEGA_BYTES True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.pct_connections_dropped Fraction of SE connections dropped. PERCENT False True
se_stats.pct_rx_bytes_dropped Fraction of SE bytes dropped. PERCENT False True
se_stats.pct_rx_pkts_dropped Fraction of SE packets dropped. PERCENT False True
se_stats.pct_syn_cache_usage Percentage of SYN cache usage. Higher usage indicates too many connection attempts and open at service engine PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_arp_pkts_dropped Number of data packets dropped waiting for ARP reply. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_arp_pkts_received Number of ARP packets received by this host. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_arp_rx_replies Number of ARP replies received by this host. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_arp_rx_requests Number of ARP requests received by this host. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_arp_timeouts Number of times pending ARP were entries removed due to timeout. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_arp_tx_replies Number of ARP replies sent by this host. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_arp_tx_requests Number of ARP requests sent by this host. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_cache_object_allocation_failure Number of times cacheable objects were dropped due to memory allocation failure METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.sum_connection_dropped_memory_limit Number of times connection memory limit is reached METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.sum_connection_dropped_packet_buffer_stressed Number of times connection is dropped because packet buffer limit is reached METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.sum_connection_dropped_persistence_table_limit Number of times persistent table allocaction fails METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.sum_mbstats_mbuf_allocation_failures Number of mbuf allocation failures. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_mbstats_mbuf_available Available memory buffers. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_mbstats_mbuf_total Total memory buffers. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_mbstats_mcopy_fail Number of failures in mem copy. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_mbstats_pktbuf_allocation_failures Number of failures in allocating packet buffers. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_mbstats_pktbuf_available Available packet buffer. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_mbstats_pktbuf_total Total packet buffer. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_mbstats_small_pktbuf_allocation_failures Number of small cluster buffers allocation failures. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_mbstats_small_pktbuf_available Number of small cluster buffers available. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_mbstats_small_pktbuf_total Number of total small cluster buffers. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_stats.sum_packet_buffer_allocation_failure Number of times packet buffer allocation failed METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
se_stats.sum_packet_dropped_packet_buffer_stressed Number of times packet is dropped because packet buffer limit is reached METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False

Controller_Stats Metrics

Controller Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
controller_stats.avg_cpu_usage This is the host's view of the CPU usage as amount of actively used virtual CPU, as a percentage of total available CPU PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
controller_stats.avg_disk_read_bytes Average number of bytes per second read from disk. BYTES_PER_SECOND False True
controller_stats.avg_disk_usage Average disk usage PERCENT False True
controller_stats.avg_disk_write_bytes Average number of bytes per second written to disk. BYTES_PER_SECOND False True
controller_stats.avg_mem_usage Memory usage as percentage of total configured or available memory PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
controller_stats.avg_num_active_vs Current number of VS for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.avg_num_backend_servers Current number of unique IP:port servers in use as observed by the controller METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.avg_num_se_cores Current number of CPU cores across all Service Engines METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.avg_num_service_cores Average number of SE service cores for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.avg_num_ses Current number of SEs for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.avg_num_sockets (Deprecated) Average number of SE sockets for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.avg_total_se_throughput Current throughput across all Service Engines BITS_PER_SECOND False True
controller_stats.max_be_servers_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum backend servers usage fraction. PERCENT False True
controller_stats.max_num_active_vs Max number of VS for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.max_num_active_vs_lic_usage Maximum number of active VS usage fraction PERCENT False True
controller_stats.max_num_backend_servers Number of unique IP:port servers in use as observed by the controller METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.max_num_se_cores Number of CPU cores across all Service Engines METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.max_num_service_cores Max number of SE service cores for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.max_num_service_cores_lic_usage Maximum number of service cores usage fraction PERCENT False True
controller_stats.max_num_ses Max number of SEs for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.max_num_ses_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum number of SEs usage fraction PERCENT False True
controller_stats.max_num_sockets (Deprecated) Max number of SE sockets for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
controller_stats.max_num_sockets_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum number of SE sockets usage fraction PERCENT False True
controller_stats.max_se_cores_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum number of SE cores usage fraction PERCENT False True
controller_stats.max_se_throughput_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum throughput usage fraction PERCENT False True
controller_stats.max_total_se_throughput Total throughput across all Service Engines BITS_PER_SECOND False True
controller_stats.sum_total_se_bytes Total bytes including ingress and egress traffic seen by the SE BYTES False True
controller_stats.sum_total_vs_bytes Sum of bytes including traffic from client and to backend servers, across all VS. BYTES False True
controller_stats.sum_total_vs_client_bytes Sum of bytes including traffic from client, across all VS. BYTES False True
controller_stats.sum_total_vs_usage Number of hours of Virtual Service usage METRIC_COUNT False True

Rum Metrics

Navigation Timing Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
rum.application_response_time Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.blocking_time Total time browser was blocked from loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.browser_rendering_time Total time browser waited for rendering content MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.client_rtt Total time browser waited due to client network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.connection_time Total time browser waited for connection setup MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.dns_lookup_time Total time browser waited for DNS resolution MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.dom_content_load_time Total time browser waited to load document content MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.page_download_time Total time browser waited receiving data MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.page_load_time Total time browser waited for loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.redirection_time Total time browser waited for redirecting MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.rum_client_data_transfer_time Total time to send data from start of response to the end MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.server_rtt Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.service_time Total time for Avi response. It measures time spent from the first packet of client request received by Avi until the first packet of Avi's response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum.waiting_time Total time browser waited get first byte of response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Rum_Browser Metrics

Navigation Timings aggregated over dimension Browser

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
rum_browser.sum_application_response_time Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_blocking_time Total time browser was blocked from loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_browser_rendering_time Total time browser waited for rendering content MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_client_rtt Total time browser waited due to client network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_connection_time Total time browser waited for connection setup MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_dns_lookup_time Total time browser waited for DNS resolution MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_dom_content_load_time Total time browser waited for loading document cotent MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_page_download_time Total time browser waited receiving data MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_page_load_time Total time browser waited for loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_redirection_time Total time browser waited for redirecting MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_rum_client_data_transfer_time Total time to send data from start of response to the end MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_server_rtt Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_service_time Total time for Avi response. It measures time spent from the first packet of client request received by Avi until the first packet of Avi's response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_browser.sum_waiting_time Total time browser waited get first byte of response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Rum_Url Metrics

Navigation Timings aggregated over dimension URL

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
rum_url.sum_application_response_time Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_blocking_time Total time browser was blocked from loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_browser_rendering_time Total time browser waited for rendering content MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_client_rtt Total time browser waited due to client network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_connection_time Total time browser waited for connection setup MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_dns_lookup_time Total time browser waited for DNS resolution MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_dom_content_load_time Total time browser waited for loading document cotent MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_page_download_time Total time browser waited receiving data MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_page_load_time Total time browser waited for loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_redirection_time Total time browser waited for redirecting MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_rum_client_data_transfer_time Total time to send data from start of response to the end MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_server_rtt Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_service_time Total time for Avi response. It measures time spent from the first packet of client request received by Avi until the first packet of Avi's response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_url.sum_waiting_time Total time browser waited get first byte of response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Rum_Os Metrics

Navigation Timings aggregated over dimension Operating System

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
rum_os.sum_application_response_time Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_blocking_time Total time browser was blocked from loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_browser_rendering_time Total time browser waited for rendering content MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_client_rtt Total time browser waited due to client network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_connection_time Total time browser waited for connection setup MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_dns_lookup_time Total time browser waited for DNS resolution MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_dom_content_load_time Total time browser waited for loading document cotent MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_page_download_time Total time browser waited receiving data MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_page_load_time Total time browser waited for loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_redirection_time Total time browser waited for redirecting MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_rum_client_data_transfer_time Total time to send data from start of response to the end MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_server_rtt Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_service_time Total time for Avi response. It measures time spent from the first packet of client request received by Avi until the first packet of Avi's response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_os.sum_waiting_time Total time browser waited get first byte of response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Rum_Lang Metrics

Navigation Timings aggregated over dimension Language

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
rum_lang.sum_application_response_time Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_blocking_time Total time browser was blocked from loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_browser_rendering_time Total time browser waited for rendering content MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_client_rtt Total time browser waited due to client network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_connection_time Total time browser waited for connection setup MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_dns_lookup_time Total time browser waited for DNS resolution MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_dom_content_load_time Total time browser waited for loading document cotent MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_page_download_time Total time browser waited receiving data MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_page_load_time Total time browser waited for loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_redirection_time Total time browser waited for redirecting MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_rum_client_data_transfer_time Total time to send data from start of response to the end MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_server_rtt Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_service_time Total time for Avi response. It measures time spent from the first packet of client request received by Avi until the first packet of Avi's response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_lang.sum_waiting_time Total time browser waited get first byte of response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Rum_Devtype Metrics

Navigation Timings aggregated over dimension Device Type

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
rum_devtype.sum_application_response_time Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_blocking_time Total time browser was blocked from loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_browser_rendering_time Total time browser waited for rendering content MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_client_rtt Total time browser waited due to client network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_connection_time Total time browser waited for connection setup MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_dns_lookup_time Total time browser waited for DNS resolution MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_dom_content_load_time Total time browser waited for loading document cotent MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_page_download_time Total time browser waited receiving data MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_page_load_time Total time browser waited for loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_redirection_time Total time browser waited for redirecting MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_rum_client_data_transfer_time Total time to send data from start of response to the end MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_server_rtt Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_service_time Total time for Avi response. It measures time spent from the first packet of client request received by Avi until the first packet of Avi's response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_devtype.sum_waiting_time Total time browser waited get first byte of response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Rum_Country Metrics

Navigation Timings aggregated over dimension Country

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
rum_country.sum_application_response_time Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_blocking_time Total time browser was blocked from loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_browser_rendering_time Total time browser waited for rendering content MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_client_rtt Total time browser waited due to client network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_connection_time Total time browser waited for connection setup MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_dns_lookup_time Total time browser waited for DNS resolution MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_dom_content_load_time Total time browser waited for loading document cotent MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_page_download_time Total time browser waited receiving data MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_page_load_time Total time browser waited for loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_redirection_time Total time browser waited for redirecting MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_rum_client_data_transfer_time Total time to send data from start of response to the end MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_server_rtt Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_service_time Total time for Avi response. It measures time spent from the first packet of client request received by Avi until the first packet of Avi's response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_country.sum_waiting_time Total time browser waited get first byte of response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Rum_Ipgroup Metrics

Navigation Timings aggregated over dimension IPGroup

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
rum_ipgroup.sum_application_response_time Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_blocking_time Total time browser was blocked from loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_browser_rendering_time Total time browser waited for rendering content MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_client_rtt Total time browser waited due to client network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_connection_time Total time browser waited for connection setup MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_dns_lookup_time Total time browser waited for DNS resolution MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_dom_content_load_time Total time browser waited for loading document cotent MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_page_download_time Total time browser waited receiving data MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_page_load_time Total time browser waited for loading page MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_redirection_time Total time browser waited for redirecting MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_rum_client_data_transfer_time Total time to send data from start of response to the end MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_server_rtt Total time browser waited due to application (Avi to server) network latency MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_service_time Total time for Avi response. It measures time spent from the first packet of client request received by Avi until the first packet of Avi's response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
rum_ipgroup.sum_waiting_time Total time browser waited get first byte of response MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Dos Metrics

Dos Attack Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
dos.avg_attack_count Rate of DOS attack per sec PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dos.sum_attack_duration Duration of the Attack SECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Dns_Client Metrics


Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
dns_client.avg_avi_errors Rate of avi errors per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_complete_queries Rate of DNS responses per second. it includes errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_dns_query_with_edns Rate of queries with EDNS resource record per second. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_domain_lookup_failures Rate of domain lookup DNS Requests per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_errored_queries Rate of errored DNS responses per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_gslbpool_member_not_available Rate of GSLB pool member not available per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_invalid_queries Rate of invalid queries PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_local_nxdomains Rate of nxdomains per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_local_responses Rate of local responses from Avi (GSLB) per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_a Rate of DNS Requests of type A per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_aaaa Rate of DNS Requests of type AAAA per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_any Rate of DNS Requests of type ANY per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_dnskey Rate of DNS Requests of type DNSKEY per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_mx Rate of DNS Requests of type MX per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_ns Rate of DNS Requests of type NS per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_other Rate of DNS Requests of type NS per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_rrsig Rate of DNS Requests of type RRSIG per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_srv Rate of DNS Requests of type SRV per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_req_type_txt Rate of DNS Requests of type TXT per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_resp_type_a Rate of DNS Responses of type A per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_resp_type_aaaa Rate of DNS Requests of type AAAA per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_resp_type_cname Rate of DNS Requests of type CNAME per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_resp_type_mx Rate of DNS Requests of type MX per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_resp_type_ns Rate of DNS Requests of type NS per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_resp_type_other Rate of DNS Requests of type OTHER per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_resp_type_srv Rate of DNS Requests of type SRV per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_resp_unsolicited Rate of DNS Response without a request per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_tcp_passthrough_errors Rate of TCP passthrough DNS errored requests per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_tcp_passthrough_queries Rate of TCP passthrough DNS Requests per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_tcp_queries Rate of tcp queries per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_dns_response_any_to_well_known_ports Rate of responses sent to well known ports for requests of type ANY, where the response size goes beyond a threshold. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_dns_response_dnskey_to_well_known_ports Number of responses sent to well known ports for requests of type DNSKEY, where the response size goes beyond a threshold. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_dns_response_rrsig_to_well_known_ports Number of responses sent to well known ports for requests of type RRSIG, where the response size goes beyond a threshold. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_dns_response_size_any_to_well_known_ports Bytes per second of responses sent to well known ports for requests of type ANY, where the response size goes beyond a threshold. BYTES_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_dns_response_size_dnskey_to_well_known_ports Bytes per second of responses sent to well known ports for requests of type DNSKEY, where the response size goes beyond a threshold. BYTES_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_dns_response_size_rrsig_to_well_known_ports Bytes per second of responses sent to well known ports for requests of type RRSIG, where the response size goes beyond a threshold. BYTES_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_dns_response_size_txt_to_well_known_ports Bytes per second of responses sent to well known ports for requests of type TXT, where the response size goes beyond a threshold. BYTES_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_dns_response_txt_to_well_known_ports Number of responses sent to well known ports for requests of type TXT, where the response size goes beyond a threshold. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_passthrough_errors Rate of UDP passthrough DNS errored requests per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_passthrough_queries Rate of UDP passthrough DNS Requests per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_passthrough_resp_time Average query response time for UDP passthrough queries MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_udp_queries Rate of udp queries per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.avg_unsupported_queries Rate of unsupported DNS Requests per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.pct_errored_queries Percentage of errored DNS responses PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_client.sum_udp_passthrough_resp_time Total duration across all connections MILLISECONDS False False

Dns_Server Metrics

SERVER DNS metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
dns_server.avg_complete_queries Rate of DNS responses per second. it includes errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_errored_queries Rate of errored DNS responses per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_req_type_a Rate of DNS Requests of type A per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_req_type_aaaa Rate of DNS Requests of type AAAA per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_resp_type_a Rate of DNS Responses of type A per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_resp_type_aaaa Rate of DNS Requests of type AAAA per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_resp_type_cname Rate of DNS Requests of type CNAME per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_resp_type_mx Rate of DNS Requests of type MX per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_resp_type_ns Rate of DNS Requests of type NS per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_resp_type_other Rate of DNS Requests of type OTHER per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_resp_type_srv Rate of DNS Requests of type SRV per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_tcp_queries Rate of tcp queries per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.avg_udp_queries Rate of udp queries per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
dns_server.pct_errored_queries Percentage of errored DNS responses PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Service_Insights Metrics

Metrics for destination traffic from a VS

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
service_insights.avg_bandwidth Rate of Bandwidth BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.avg_client_end2end_latency Avg. client end2end latency seen by clients excluding failed responses MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.avg_complete_conns Average rate of connetions per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.avg_complete_responses Rate of complete responses including errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.avg_dropped_conns Average rate of dropped connections per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.avg_error_responses Rate of errors requests PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.avg_http_timeout Rate of HTTP timeouts PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.avg_policy_drops Average rate of policy-dropped connections per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.avg_total_requests Rate of requests PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.max_open_conns Maximum number of concurrent open connections METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
service_insights.sum_client_end2end_latency Sum of end to end latency seen by client for URL excluding the failed responses MILLISECONDS False False

Source_Insights Metrics

Metrics for source of traffic to a VS

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
source_insights.avg_bandwidth Rate of Bandwidth BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_client_end2end_latency Avg. client end2end latency seen by clients excluding failed responses MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_complete_conns Average rate of connetions per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_complete_responses Rate of complete responses including errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_dropped_conns Average rate of dropped connections per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_error_responses Rate of errors requests PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_http_timeout Rate of HTTP timeouts PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_policy_drops Average rate of policy-dropped connections per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_total_requests Rate of requests PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_waf_attacks Average number of transactions per second identified by WAF as attacks. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_waf_flagged Average number of transactions per second flagged by WAF. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.avg_waf_rejected Average number of transactions per second rejected by WAF. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.max_open_conns Maximum number of concurrent open connections METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
source_insights.sum_client_end2end_latency Sum of end to end latency seen by client for URL excluding the failed responses MILLISECONDS False False

Tenant_Stats Metrics

Tenant Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
tenant_stats.avg_num_active_vs Current number of VS for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.avg_num_backend_servers Current number of unique IP:port servers in use as observed by the controller METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.avg_num_se_cores Current number of CPU cores across all Service Engines METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.avg_num_service_cores Average number of service cores for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.avg_num_ses Current number of SEs for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.avg_num_sockets (Deprecated) Average number of SE sockets for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.avg_total_se_throughput Current throughput across all Service Engines BITS_PER_SECOND False True
tenant_stats.max_be_servers_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum backend servers usage fraction PERCENT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_active_vs Max number of VS for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_active_vs_lic_usage Maximum number of active VS usage fraction PERCENT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_backend_servers Number of unique IP:port servers in use as observed by the controller METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_se_cores Number of CPU cores across all Service Engines METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_service_cores Max number of service cores for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_service_cores_usage Maximum number of service cores usage fraction PERCENT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_ses Max number of SEs for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_ses_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum number of SEs usage fraction PERCENT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_sockets (Deprecated) Max number of SE sockets for the tenant METRIC_COUNT False True
tenant_stats.max_num_sockets_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum number of SE sockets usage fraction PERCENT False True
tenant_stats.max_se_cores_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum number of SE cores usage fraction PERCENT False True
tenant_stats.max_se_throughput_lic_usage (Deprecated) Maximum throughput usage fraction PERCENT False True
tenant_stats.max_total_se_throughput Total throughput across all Service Engines BITS_PER_SECOND False True
tenant_stats.sum_total_se_bytes Total bytes including ingress and egress traffic seen by the SE BYTES False True
tenant_stats.sum_total_vs_bytes Sum of bytes including traffic from client and to backend servers, across all VS. BYTES False True
tenant_stats.sum_total_vs_client_bytes Sum of bytes including traffic from client, across all VS. BYTES False True
tenant_stats.sum_total_vs_usage Number of hours of Virtual Service usage METRIC_COUNT False True

Se_If Metrics

SE Interface Metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
se_if.avg_bandwidth Average transmit and receive network bandwidth for an interface. BITS_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.avg_connection_table_usage Connection table usage percentage. PERCENT False True
se_if.avg_rx_bytes Average rate of received bytes on an interface. BYTES_PER_SECOND False True
se_if.avg_rx_bytes_dropped_non_vs Average rate of received bytes dropped per second. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.avg_rx_pkts Average rate of received packets per second. PER_SECOND False True
se_if.avg_rx_pkts_dropped_non_vs Average rate of received packets dropped per second. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.avg_syn_seen_entries_usage Percentage of syn seen entries currently used for an interface. PERCENT False True
se_if.avg_tx_bytes Average rate of transmitted bytes on an interface BYTES_PER_SECOND False True
se_if.avg_tx_pkts Average rate of transmit packets per second. PER_SECOND False True
se_if.max_peak_bandwidth Maximum bandwidth observed on an interface. BYTES_PER_SECOND False True
se_if.max_rx_bytes_absolute Total number of received bytes. METRIC_COUNT False True
se_if.max_tx_bytes_absolute Total number of transmitted bytes. METRIC_COUNT False True
se_if.sum_arp_rx_rl_drops ARP packets dropped by rate limiter. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_connection_dropped_syn_seen_limit Number of times flowtable syn seen entry limit is reached. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_connection_dropped_table_limit Number of times flowtable entries limit is reached. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_flow_conn_throttled Number of conn throttled due to rate limiter. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_flow_conn_throttled_mem Conn throttled due to memory failure. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_flow_mac_errors Number of packets where dst mac address does not correspond to interface. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_flow_parse_unknown Number of received packets that are not ICMP req/resp, UDP, TCP and inter-SE messages. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_flow_pkts_throttled Number of packets throttled by rate limiter. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_flow_table_num_entries Number of entries in the flow table. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_flow_table_remote_entries Number of flow table entries of flows punted to a secondary SE. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_flowprobe_tx_rl_drops Flowprobe packets dropped by rate limiter. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_gro_mbufs_coalesced Number of input packets received and coalesced in one burst from the rx queue. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_icmp_rx_rl_drops Number of icmp packets dropped exceeding rate limit. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_ierrors Total number of erroneous received packets. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_ip_checksum_drops Total number of packets dropped at every vnic owing to a bad ip header checksum. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_kni_mbuf_alloc_failures Number of times KNI mbuf pool was empty. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_kni_rx_drops Number of packets dropped by KNI in the ingress path because allocation of an skb failed due to lack of available memory. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_kni_tx_drops Number of packets dropped by the KNI interface in the egress path. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_kni_tx_errors Number of packets dropped by the KNI interface due to transmit timeout on egress. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_l4_checksum_drops Total number of packets dropped at every vnic owing to a bad tcp/udp checksum. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_local_flow_probes_req_received Number of flow probe messages received by dispatcher cores. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_local_flow_probes_sent Number of flow probe requests sent for open connection by the primary core. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_oerrors Total number of failed packet transmission. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_rst_sent Number of TCP connection resets sent. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_syn_dropped_delete_pending Number of SYN packets dropped. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_tcp_rst_tx_rl_drops TCP packets dropped by rate limiter. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_tx_frags_p2s Number of fragments packet is fragmented into by the dispatcher when punting from primary to secondary. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
se_if.sum_tx_kni_errs Mbufs were depleted in kni mbuf pool or Enqueue mbufs to kni rx queue failed during ingress. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

User_Metrics Metrics

User defined custom metrics using data-script

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
user_metrics.avg_counter Time averaged value of counter over given period. For example, fetch counter 'foo' via API /api/analytics/metrics/virtualservice/?metric_id=user_metrics.avg_counter&limit=1&step=300&obj_id=foo. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
user_metrics.avg_gauge Average of raw counter value of type gauge reported over given period. For example, fetch counter 'foo' via API /api/analytics/metrics/virtualservice/?metric_id=user_metrics.avg_gauge&limit=1&step=300&obj_id=foo. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
user_metrics.max_counter Maximum 'per second' reported value of counter over given period. For example, fetch counter 'foo' via API /api/analytics/metrics/virtualservice/?metric_id=user_metrics.max_counter&limit=1&step=300&obj_id=foo. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
user_metrics.max_gauge Maximum raw counter value of type gauge reported over given period. For example, fetch counter 'foo' via API /api/analytics/metrics/virtualservice/?metric_id=user_metrics.max_gauge&limit=1&step=300&obj_id=foo. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
user_metrics.min_counter Minimum 'per second' reported value of counter over given period. For example, fetch counter 'foo' via API /api/analytics/metrics/virtualservice/?metric_id=user_metrics.min_counter&limit=1&step=300&obj_id=foo. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
user_metrics.min_gauge Minimum raw counter value of type gauge reported over given period. For example, fetch counter 'foo' via API /api/analytics/metrics/virtualservice/?metric_id=user_metrics.min_gauge&limit=1&step=300&obj_id=foo. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
user_metrics.sum_counter Sum of raw counter value reported over given period. For example, fetch counter 'foo' via API /api/analytics/metrics/virtualservice/?metric_id=user_metrics.sum_counter&limit=1&step=300&obj_id=foo. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
user_metrics.sum_gauge (Deprecated) Sum of raw counter value of type gauge reported over given period. For example, fetch counter 'foo' via API /api/analytics/metrics/virtualservice/?metric_id=user_metrics.sum_gauge&limit=1&step=300&obj_id=foo. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Waf_Group Metrics

WAF group specific metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
waf_group.avg_evaluated Time averaged value of connections per second evaluated by WAF Rule-Group. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.avg_flagged Time averaged value of connections per second flagged by WAF Rule-Group. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.avg_matched Time averaged value of connections per second matched WAF Rule-Group. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.avg_rejected Time averaged value of connections per second rejected by WAF Rule-Group. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.max_evaluated Maximum value of connections per second evaluated by WAF Rule-Group. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.max_flagged Maximum value of connections per second flagged by WAF Rule-Group. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.max_matched Maximum value of connections per second matched WAF Rule-Group. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.max_rejected Maximum value of connections per second rejected by WAF Rule-Group. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.sum_evaluated Total number of connections evaluated by WAF Rule-Group. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.sum_flagged Total number of connections flagged by WAF Rule-Group. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.sum_matched Total number of connections matched by WAF Rule-Group. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_group.sum_rejected Total number of connections rejected by WAF Rule-Group. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Waf_Tag Metrics

WAF tag specific metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
waf_tag.avg_flagged Time averaged value of connections per second flagged as attack by any rule with WAF Tag. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_tag.avg_matched Time averaged value of connections per second matched any rule with WAF Tag. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_tag.avg_rejected Time averaged value of connections per second rejected by any rule with WAF Tag. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_tag.max_flagged Maximum value of connections per second flagged as attach by any rule with WAF Tag. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_tag.max_matched Maximum value of connections per second matched any rule with WAF Tag. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_tag.max_rejected Maximum value of connections per second rejected by any rule with WAF Tag. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_tag.sum_flagged Total number of connections flagged as attack by any rule with WAF Tag. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_tag.sum_matched Total number of connections matched any rule with WAF Tag. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_tag.sum_rejected Total number of connections rejected by any rule with WAF Tag. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Waf_Rule Metrics

WAF rule specific metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
waf_rule.avg_evaluated Time averaged value of connections per second evaluated by WAF Rule. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.avg_flagged Time averaged value of connections per second flagged as attack by WAF Rule. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.avg_matched Time averaged value of connections per second matched WAF Rule. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.avg_rejected Time averaged value of connections per second rejected by WAF Rule. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.max_evaluated Maximum value of connections per second evaluated by WAF Rule. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.max_flagged Maximum value of connections per second flagged as attack by WAF Rule. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.max_matched Max value of connections per second matched WAF Rule. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.max_rejected Maximum value of connections per second rejected by WAF Rule. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.sum_evaluated Total number of connections evaluated by WAF Rule. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.sum_flagged Total number of connections flagged as attack by WAF Rule. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.sum_matched Total number of connections matched by WAF Rule. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_rule.sum_rejected Total number of connections rejected by WAF Rule. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Process_Stats Metrics

stats for processes running on controller

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
process_stats.avg_ctx_switches_invol Average number of involuntary context switches per second. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_ctx_switches_vol Average number of voluntary context switches per second. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_fds number of file descriptors currently opened by this process. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_io_read_bytes Average per second number of io bytes read by process. BYTES_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_io_read_count Average number of io reads by process per second. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_io_write_bytes Average per second io bytes writes by process. BYTES_PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_io_write_count Average per second number of io writes by process. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_num_threads Average number of threads currently used by this process. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_pss Average memory (in bytes) shared with other processes. BYTES True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_rss Average Resident Set Size (aka non-swapped physical memory which process is using). BYTES True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_swap Average Amount of memory that has been swapped out to disk. BYTES True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.avg_vms Average Virtual Memory Size (aka total virtual memory which process is using). BYTES True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
process_stats.max_cpu_pct Maximum cpu usage by this process. PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Http2_Client Metrics

Http Ver 2 Client metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
http2_client.avg_complete_responses Rate of HTTP2 responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS False
http2_client.avg_error_responses Rate of HTTP2 error responses sent per second. It does not include errors excluded in analytics profile PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
http2_client.avg_errors_excluded Rate of HTTP2 responses excluded as errors based on analytics profile PER_SECOND False False
http2_client.avg_resp_1xx Rate of 1xx HTTP2 responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
http2_client.avg_resp_2xx Rate of 2xx HTTP2 responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
http2_client.avg_resp_3xx Rate of 3xx HTTP2 responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
http2_client.avg_resp_4xx Rate of HTTP2 4xx responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
http2_client.avg_resp_4xx_avi_errors Rate of HTTP2 4xx responses as errors sent by Avi Vantage. It does not include any error codes excluded in the analytics profile and pool server errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
http2_client.avg_resp_5xx Rate of 5xx HTTP2 responses sent per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
http2_client.avg_resp_5xx_avi_errors Rate of HTTP2 5xx responses as errors sent by Avi Vantage. It does not include any error codes excluded in the analytics profile and pool server errors PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
http2_client.avg_total_requests Average rate of client HTTP2 requests received by the virtual service per second PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
http2_client.pct_response_errors Percent of HTTP2 4xx and 5xx responses. It doesn't include errors excluded in analytics profile PERCENT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
http2_client.sum_get_reqs Total number of HTTP2 GET requests METRIC_COUNT False False
http2_client.sum_other_reqs Total number of HTTP2 requests that are not GET or POST requests METRIC_COUNT False False
http2_client.sum_post_reqs Total number of HTTP2 POST requests METRIC_COUNT False False
http2_client.sum_resp_1xx Total number of HTTP2 1XX responses METRIC_COUNT False False
http2_client.sum_resp_2xx Total number of HTTP2 2XX responses METRIC_COUNT False False
http2_client.sum_resp_3xx Total number of HTTP2 3XX responses METRIC_COUNT False False
http2_client.sum_resp_4xx Total number of HTTP2 4XX error responses METRIC_COUNT False False
http2_client.sum_resp_5xx Total number of HTTP2 5XX error responses METRIC_COUNT False False

Waf_Allowlist Metrics

WAF whitelist rule specific metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
waf_allowlist.sum_action_allow Total number of requests where WAF whitelist allow action got executed. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_allowlist.sum_action_bypass Total number of requests processed with WAF allowlist action as bypass. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_allowlist.sum_action_continue Total number of requests processed with WAF allowlist action as run in detection mode. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_allowlist.sum_action_detection_mode Total number of requests processed with WAF allowlist action as continue. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_allowlist.sum_evaluated Total number of requests evaluated by a WAF whitelist rule. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_allowlist.sum_matched Total number of requests matched by a WAF whitelist rule. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Waf_Psmgroup Metrics

WAF PSM group specific metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
waf_psmgroup.sum_allowed_match_elements Total number of requests with matched_elements marked as valid by a WAF PSM group. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_psmgroup.sum_evaluated Total number of requests evaluated by a WAF PSM group. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_psmgroup.sum_flagged Total number of requests flagged by a WAF PSM group. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_psmgroup.sum_rejected Total number of requests rejected by a WAF PSM group. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Waf_Psmlocation Metrics

WAF PSM location specific metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
waf_psmlocation.sum_matched Total number of requests matched by a WAF PSM location. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Waf_Psmrule Metrics

WAF PSM rule specific metrics

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
waf_psmrule.sum_evaluated Total number of requests evaluated by a WAF PSM rule. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_psmrule.sum_hit_actions Total number of requests where at least one WAF PSM rule match_element matched the value. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_psmrule.sum_matched Total number of requests with at least one present match_element a WAF PSM rule. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
waf_psmrule.sum_miss_actions Total number of requests where at least one WAF PSM rule match_element did not match the value. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Gslb_Stats Metrics

Stats for GSLB.

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
gslb_stats.avg_errored_queue_size Average size of the errrored queue per site. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
gslb_stats.avg_pending_requests_size Average size of the pending request queue per site. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
gslb_stats.avg_replication_queue_size Average size of the replication queue per site. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Vs_Scaleout_Stats Metrics

Virtualservice Scaleout Stats.

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_flow_created_by_probe_rsp Number of Flow Entries created on local SE after receiving flow probe response from a remote SE. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_flow_probe_rqs_discard_miss Number of Flow Probe requests discarded due to flow-lookup miss. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_flow_probe_rqs_discard_non_local Number of Flow Probe requests discarded as flow-entry was remote. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_flow_probe_rqs_rcvd Number of Flow Probe requests received from remote SE. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_flow_probe_rqs_sent Number of Flow Probe requests sent to remote SE. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_flow_probe_rsps_rcvd Number of Flow Probe responses received from remote SE. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_flow_probe_rsps_sent Number of Flow Probe responses sent to remote SE. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_num_vs_pkts_punted Number of VS packets punted to remote SE's. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_num_vs_pkts_tunneled_back Number of VS packets tunneled back to all remote SE's. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_vs_flows_local Number of locally terminated VS flows. METRIC_COUNT False False
vs_scaleout_stats.sum_vs_flows_remote Number of VS flows punted to remote SE. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False

Api_Perf_Stats Metrics

Stats for all aviportal requests exceeding api_perf threshold.

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
api_perf_stats.avg__add_joined_data Average time taken to execute _add_joined_data per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__check_privilege_in_policy Average time taken to execute _check_privilege_in_policy per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__check_privilege_in_role Average time taken to execute _check_privilege_in_role per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__delete Average time taken to execute _delete per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__exception_hdlr Average time taken to execute _exception_hdlr per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__fqdn_must_check Average time taken to execute _fqdn_must_check per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__get_object_from_ref Average time taken to execute _get_object_from_ref per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__get_pool_data Average time taken to execute _get_pool_data per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__gs_hdlr Average time taken to execute _gs_hdlr per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__gslb_check_tenant Average time taken to execute _gslb_check_tenant per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__init_model_serializer Average time taken to execute _init_model_serializer per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__ipam_dns_delete_vip Average time taken to execute _ipam_dns_delete_vip per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__ipam_dns_update_vip Average time taken to execute _ipam_dns_update_vip per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__manual_serialize_obj Average time taken to execute _manual_serialize_obj per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__obj_del_hdlr Average time taken to execute _obj_del_hdlr per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__obj_hdlr Average time taken to execute _obj_hdlr per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__pbs_for_backend_ops Average time taken to execute _pbs_for_backend_ops per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__post_decl_hdlr Average time taken to execute _post_decl_hdlr per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__post_decl_obj_hdlr Average time taken to execute _post_decl_obj_hdlr per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__pre_decl_hdlr Average time taken to execute _pre_decl_hdlr per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__send_logorc_create Average time taken to execute _send_logorc_create per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__send_logorc_delete Average time taken to execute _send_logorc_delete per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__server_state_db_cache Average time taken to execute _server_state_db_cache per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__update Average time taken to execute _update per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__update_pools Average time taken to execute _update_pools per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__vs_state_db_cache Average time taken to execute _vs_state_db_cache per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg__xlate_glb Average time taken to execute _xlate_glb per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_callback Average time taken to execute callback per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_callback_custom_post Average time taken to execute callback_custom_post per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_callback_custom_pre Average time taken to execute callback_custom_pre per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_application_profile Average time taken to execute check_application_profile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_client_auth Average time taken to execute check_client_auth per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_cloud Average time taken to execute check_cloud per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_content_rewrite Average time taken to execute check_content_rewrite per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_debug_for_children Average time taken to execute check_debug_for_children per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_delete_permission Average time taken to execute check_delete_permission per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_dns_policies Average time taken to execute check_dns_policies per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_east_west_placement Average time taken to execute check_east_west_placement per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_http_policies Average time taken to execute check_http_policies per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_l4_policies Average time taken to execute check_l4_policies per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_legacy_ha_flow_mirror_tcp_fast Average time taken to execute check_legacy_ha_flow_mirror_tcp_fast per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_network_profile Average time taken to execute check_network_profile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_network_security_policy Average time taken to execute check_network_security_policy per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_network_service Average time taken to execute check_network_service per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_pool_groups Average time taken to execute check_pool_groups per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_pools Average time taken to execute check_pools per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_properties Average time taken to execute check_properties per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_se_group Average time taken to execute check_se_group per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_security_policy Average time taken to execute check_security_policy per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_server_network_profile Average time taken to execute check_server_network_profile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_service_pool_reference Average time taken to execute check_service_pool_reference per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_service_pool_select Average time taken to execute check_service_pool_select per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_service_poolgroup_reference Average time taken to execute check_service_poolgroup_reference per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_services_and_virtual_host Average time taken to execute check_services_and_virtual_host per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_services_network_properties Average time taken to execute check_services_network_properties per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_snat_ip Average time taken to execute check_snat_ip per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_snat_vsvip_overlap Average time taken to execute check_snat_vsvip_overlap per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_ssl_and_certificates Average time taken to execute check_ssl_and_certificates per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_ssl_profile_selectors Average time taken to execute check_ssl_profile_selectors per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_sso Average time taken to execute check_sso per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_tenant Average time taken to execute check_tenant per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_tenant_resource_access Average time taken to execute check_tenant_resource_access per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_update_type Average time taken to execute check_update_type per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_use_vip_as_snat Average time taken to execute check_use_vip_as_snat per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_user Average time taken to execute check_user per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_user_tenant_resource Average time taken to execute check_user_tenant_resource per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_vip_and_network_profile Average time taken to execute check_vip_and_network_profile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_vrf_context Average time taken to execute check_vrf_context per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_vs_datascripts Average time taken to execute check_vs_datascripts per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_vses_sharing_pool Average time taken to execute check_vses_sharing_pool per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_vsvip Average time taken to execute check_vsvip per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_check_waf_policy Average time taken to execute check_waf_policy per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_clean_cached_data Average time taken to execute clean_cached_data per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_collate_files Average time taken to execute collate_files per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_convert_json_patch_to_put Average time taken to execute convert_json_patch_to_put per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_create Average time taken to execute create per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_create_applicationpersistenceprofile Average time taken to execute create_applicationpersistenceprofile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_create_debugvirtualservice Average time taken to execute create_debugvirtualservice per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_create_gslb Average time taken to execute create_gslb per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_create_gslbgeodbprofile Average time taken to execute create_gslbgeodbprofile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_create_gslbservice Average time taken to execute create_gslbservice per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_create_healthmonitor Average time taken to execute create_healthmonitor per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_create_pkiprofile Average time taken to execute create_pkiprofile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_custom_get Average time taken to execute custom_get per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_custom_post_save Average time taken to execute custom_post_save per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_custom_pre_save Average time taken to execute custom_pre_save per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_custom_rollback Average time taken to execute custom_rollback per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_db_cache_delete Average time taken to execute db_cache_delete per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_db_cache_save Average time taken to execute db_cache_save per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_delete_applicationpersistenceprofile Average time taken to execute delete_applicationpersistenceprofile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_delete_gslb Average time taken to execute delete_gslb per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_delete_gslbgeodbprofile Average time taken to execute delete_gslbgeodbprofile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_delete_gslbservice Average time taken to execute delete_gslbservice per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_delete_healthmonitor Average time taken to execute delete_healthmonitor per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_delete_pkiprofile Average time taken to execute delete_pkiprofile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_destroy Average time taken to execute destroy per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_do_post_action Average time taken to execute do_post_action per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_do_put_action Average time taken to execute do_put_action per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_generate_config_log Average time taken to execute generate_config_log per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get Average time taken to execute get per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_alert_data Average time taken to execute get_alert_data per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_collection_healthscore Average time taken to execute get_collection_healthscore per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_debug_trace_status Average time taken to execute get_debug_trace_status per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_faults Average time taken to execute get_faults per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_metric_data Average time taken to execute get_metric_data per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_object Average time taken to execute get_object per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_object_for_update Average time taken to execute get_object_for_update per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_pool_data Average time taken to execute get_pool_data per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_queryset Average time taken to execute get_queryset per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_queryset_for_update Average time taken to execute get_queryset_for_update per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_queryset_from_policy Average time taken to execute get_queryset_from_policy per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_queryset_from_role Average time taken to execute get_queryset_from_role per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_runtime_data_json Average time taken to execute get_runtime_data_json per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_scaleoutin_faults Average time taken to execute get_scaleoutin_faults per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_se_data Average time taken to execute get_se_data per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_server_faults Average time taken to execute get_server_faults per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_ssl_cert_data Average time taken to execute get_ssl_cert_data per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_ssl_cert_expiry_faults Average time taken to execute get_ssl_cert_expiry_faults per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_view_data Average time taken to execute get_view_data per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_get_vs_sdb_obj Average time taken to execute get_vs_sdb_obj per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_join Average time taken to execute join per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_join_list Average time taken to execute join_list per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_join_subresources Average time taken to execute join_subresources per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_join_subresources_list Average time taken to execute join_subresources_list per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_list Average time taken to execute list per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_migrate_version Average time taken to execute migrate_version per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_move_uploaded_file Average time taken to execute move_uploaded_file per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_patch_data_to_pb Average time taken to execute patch_data_to_pb per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_pbs_send_via_batched_mode Average time taken to execute pbs_send_via_batched_mode per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_pbs_send_via_view_list Average time taken to execute pbs_send_via_view_list per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_pre_check Average time taken to execute pre_check per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_pre_save_transform Average time taken to execute pre_save_transform per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_retrieve Average time taken to execute retrieve per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_reverse_migrate_version Average time taken to execute reverse_migrate_version per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_run_callback Average time taken to execute run_callback per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_save_callback Average time taken to execute save_callback per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_save_diff Average time taken to execute save_diff per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_semantic_check Average time taken to execute semantic_check per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_serializer_is_valid Average time taken to execute serializer_is_valid per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_serializer_save Average time taken to execute serializer_save per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_total_time Average time taken by requests to portals. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_update Average time taken to execute update per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_update_applicationpersistenceprofile Average time taken to execute update_applicationpersistenceprofile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_update_gslb Average time taken to execute update_gslb per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_update_gslbgeodbprofile Average time taken to execute update_gslbgeodbprofile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_update_gslbservice Average time taken to execute update_gslbservice per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_update_healthmonitor Average time taken to execute update_healthmonitor per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_update_pkiprofile Average time taken to execute update_pkiprofile per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.avg_update_realtime_serialized_fields Average time taken to execute update_realtime_serialized_fields per request. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__add_joined_data Sum of time taken to execute _add_joined_data. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__check_privilege_in_policy Sum of time taken to execute _check_privilege_in_policy. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__check_privilege_in_role Sum of time taken to execute _check_privilege_in_role. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__delete Sum of time taken to execute _delete. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__exception_hdlr Sum of time taken to execute _exception_hdlr. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__fqdn_must_check Sum of time taken to execute _fqdn_must_check. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__get_object_from_ref Sum of time taken to execute _get_object_from_ref. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__get_pool_data Sum of time taken to execute _get_pool_data. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__gs_hdlr Sum of time taken to execute _gs_hdlr. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__gslb_check_tenant Sum of time taken to execute _gslb_check_tenant. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__init_model_serializer Sum of time taken to execute _init_model_serializer. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__ipam_dns_delete_vip Sum of time taken to execute _ipam_dns_delete_vip. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__ipam_dns_update_vip Sum of time taken to execute _ipam_dns_update_vip. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__manual_serialize_obj Sum of time taken to execute _manual_serialize_obj. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__obj_del_hdlr Sum of time taken to execute _obj_del_hdlr. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__obj_hdlr Sum of time taken to execute _obj_hdlr. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__pbs_for_backend_ops Sum of time taken to execute _pbs_for_backend_ops. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__post_decl_hdlr Sum of time taken to execute _post_decl_hdlr. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__post_decl_obj_hdlr Sum of time taken to execute _post_decl_obj_hdlr. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__pre_decl_hdlr Sum of time taken to execute _pre_decl_hdlr. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__send_logorc_create Sum of time taken to execute _send_logorc_create. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__send_logorc_delete Sum of time taken to execute _send_logorc_delete. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__server_state_db_cache Sum of time taken to execute _server_state_db_cache. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__update Sum of time taken to execute _update. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__update_pools Sum of time taken to execute _update_pools. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__vs_state_db_cache Sum of time taken to execute _vs_state_db_cache. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum__xlate_glb Sum of time taken to execute _xlate_glb. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_callback Sum of time taken to execute callback. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_callback_custom_post Sum of time taken to execute callback_custom_post. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_callback_custom_pre Sum of time taken to execute callback_custom_pre. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_application_profile Sum of time taken to execute check_application_profile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_client_auth Sum of time taken to execute check_client_auth. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_cloud Sum of time taken to execute check_cloud. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_content_rewrite Sum of time taken to execute check_content_rewrite. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_debug_for_children Sum of time taken to execute check_debug_for_children. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_delete_permission Sum of time taken to execute check_delete_permission. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_dns_policies Sum of time taken to execute check_dns_policies. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_east_west_placement Sum of time taken to execute check_east_west_placement. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_http_policies Sum of time taken to execute check_http_policies. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_l4_policies Sum of time taken to execute check_l4_policies. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_legacy_ha_flow_mirror_tcp_fast Sum of time taken to execute check_legacy_ha_flow_mirror_tcp_fast. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_network_profile Sum of time taken to execute check_network_profile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_network_security_policy Sum of time taken to execute check_network_security_policy. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_network_service Sum of time taken to execute check_network_service. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_pool_groups Sum of time taken to execute check_pool_groups. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_pools Sum of time taken to execute check_pools. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_properties Sum of time taken to execute check_properties. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_se_group Sum of time taken to execute check_se_group. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_security_policy Sum of time taken to execute check_security_policy. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_server_network_profile Sum of time taken to execute check_server_network_profile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_service_pool_reference Sum of time taken to execute check_service_pool_reference. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_service_pool_select Sum of time taken to execute check_service_pool_select. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_service_poolgroup_reference Sum of time taken to execute check_service_poolgroup_reference. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_services_and_virtual_host Sum of time taken to execute check_services_and_virtual_host. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_services_network_properties Sum of time taken to execute check_services_network_properties. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_snat_ip Sum of time taken to execute check_snat_ip. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_snat_vsvip_overlap Sum of time taken to execute check_snat_vsvip_overlap. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_ssl_and_certificates Sum of time taken to execute check_ssl_and_certificates. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_ssl_profile_selectors Sum of time taken to execute check_ssl_profile_selectors. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_sso Sum of time taken to execute check_sso. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_tenant Sum of time taken to execute check_tenant. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_tenant_resource_access Sum of time taken to execute check_tenant_resource_access. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_update_type Sum of time taken to execute check_update_type. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_use_vip_as_snat Sum of time taken to execute check_use_vip_as_snat. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_user Sum of time taken to execute check_user. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_user_tenant_resource Sum of time taken to execute check_user_tenant_resource. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_vip_and_network_profile Sum of time taken to execute check_vip_and_network_profile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_vrf_context Sum of time taken to execute check_vrf_context. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_vs_datascripts Sum of time taken to execute check_vs_datascripts. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_vses_sharing_pool Sum of time taken to execute check_vses_sharing_pool. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_vsvip Sum of time taken to execute check_vsvip. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_check_waf_policy Sum of time taken to execute check_waf_policy. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_clean_cached_data Sum of time taken to execute clean_cached_data. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_collate_files Sum of time taken to execute collate_files. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_convert_json_patch_to_put Sum of time taken to execute convert_json_patch_to_put. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_create Sum of time taken to execute create. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_create_applicationpersistenceprofile Sum of time taken to execute create_applicationpersistenceprofile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_create_debugvirtualservice Sum of time taken to execute create_debugvirtualservice. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_create_gslb Sum of time taken to execute create_gslb. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_create_gslbgeodbprofile Sum of time taken to execute create_gslbgeodbprofile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_create_gslbservice Sum of time taken to execute create_gslbservice. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_create_healthmonitor Sum of time taken to execute create_healthmonitor. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_create_pkiprofile Sum of time taken to execute create_pkiprofile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_custom_get Sum of time taken to execute custom_get. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_custom_post_save Sum of time taken to execute custom_post_save. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_custom_pre_save Sum of time taken to execute custom_pre_save. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_custom_rollback Sum of time taken to execute custom_rollback. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_db_cache_delete Sum of time taken to execute db_cache_delete. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_db_cache_save Sum of time taken to execute db_cache_save. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_delete_applicationpersistenceprofile Sum of time taken to execute delete_applicationpersistenceprofile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_delete_gslb Sum of time taken to execute delete_gslb. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_delete_gslbgeodbprofile Sum of time taken to execute delete_gslbgeodbprofile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_delete_gslbservice Sum of time taken to execute delete_gslbservice. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_delete_healthmonitor Sum of time taken to execute delete_healthmonitor. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_delete_pkiprofile Sum of time taken to execute delete_pkiprofile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_destroy Sum of time taken to execute destroy. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_do_post_action Sum of time taken to execute do_post_action. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_do_put_action Sum of time taken to execute do_put_action. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_generate_config_log Sum of time taken to execute generate_config_log. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get Sum of time taken to execute get. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_alert_data Sum of time taken to execute get_alert_data. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_collection_healthscore Sum of time taken to execute get_collection_healthscore. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_debug_trace_status Sum of time taken to execute get_debug_trace_status. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_faults Sum of time taken to execute get_faults. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_metric_data Sum of time taken to execute get_metric_data. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_object Sum of time taken to execute get_object. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_object_for_update Sum of time taken to execute get_object_for_update. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_pool_data Sum of time taken to execute get_pool_data. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_queryset Sum of time taken to execute get_queryset. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_queryset_for_update Sum of time taken to execute get_queryset_for_update. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_queryset_from_policy Sum of time taken to execute get_queryset_from_policy. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_queryset_from_role Sum of time taken to execute get_queryset_from_role. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_runtime_data_json Sum of time taken to execute get_runtime_data_json. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_scaleoutin_faults Sum of time taken to execute get_scaleoutin_faults. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_se_data Sum of time taken to execute get_se_data. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_server_faults Sum of time taken to execute get_server_faults. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_ssl_cert_data Sum of time taken to execute get_ssl_cert_data. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_ssl_cert_expiry_faults Sum of time taken to execute get_ssl_cert_expiry_faults. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_view_data Sum of time taken to execute get_view_data. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_get_vs_sdb_obj Sum of time taken to execute get_vs_sdb_obj. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_join Sum of time taken to execute join. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_join_list Sum of time taken to execute join_list. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_join_subresources Sum of time taken to execute join_subresources. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_join_subresources_list Sum of time taken to execute join_subresources_list. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_list Sum of time taken to execute list. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_migrate_version Sum of time taken to execute migrate_version. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_move_uploaded_file Sum of time taken to execute move_uploaded_file. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_num_2xx_status_codes Number of requests that returned 2xx status codes. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_num_4xx_status_codes Number of requests that returned 4xx status codes. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_num_5xx_status_codes Number of requests that returned 5xx status codes. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_num_requests Total number of requests made to portals in the interval. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_patch_data_to_pb Sum of time taken to execute patch_data_to_pb. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_pbs_send_via_batched_mode Sum of time taken to execute pbs_send_via_batched_mode. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_pbs_send_via_view_list Sum of time taken to execute pbs_send_via_view_list. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_pre_check Sum of time taken to execute pre_check. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_pre_save_transform Sum of time taken to execute pre_save_transform. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_retrieve Sum of time taken to execute retrieve. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_reverse_migrate_version Sum of time taken to execute reverse_migrate_version. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_run_callback Sum of time taken to execute run_callback. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_save_callback Sum of time taken to execute save_callback. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_save_diff Sum of time taken to execute save_diff. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_semantic_check Sum of time taken to execute semantic_check. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_serializer_is_valid Sum of time taken to execute serializer_is_valid. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_serializer_save Sum of time taken to execute serializer_save. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_total_time Sum of total time taken for all requests made to portals in interval. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_update Sum of time taken to execute update. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_update_applicationpersistenceprofile Sum of time taken to execute update_applicationpersistenceprofile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_update_gslb Sum of time taken to execute update_gslb. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_update_gslbgeodbprofile Sum of time taken to execute update_gslbgeodbprofile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_update_gslbservice Sum of time taken to execute update_gslbservice. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_update_healthmonitor Sum of time taken to execute update_healthmonitor. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_update_pkiprofile Sum of time taken to execute update_pkiprofile. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
api_perf_stats.sum_update_realtime_serialized_fields Sum of time taken to execute update_realtime_serialized_fields. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True

Nsxt_Stats Metrics

Stats for Nsxt cloud.

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
nsxt_stats.avg_api_response_time Average api response time per API call. MILLISECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
nsxt_stats.avg_errors Average errors over period of time. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
nsxt_stats.avg_requests Average requests over period of time. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
nsxt_stats.sum_api_response_time Total duration across all requests. MILLISECONDS False False
nsxt_stats.sum_requests Total requests. METRIC_COUNT False False

Icap_Stats Metrics

Stats for ICAP server.

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
icap_stats.avg_blocked Rate of blocked ICAP responses. PER_SECOND False False
icap_stats.avg_duration Average time spent during ICAP processing for successful requests. MICROSECONDS True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
icap_stats.avg_error Rate of all ICAP related errors. PER_SECOND False False
icap_stats.avg_internal_error Rate of internal errors when processing ICAP requests. PER_SECOND False False
icap_stats.avg_modified Rate of modified ICAP responses. PER_SECOND False False
icap_stats.avg_passed Rate of ICAP requests per second. PER_SECOND False False
icap_stats.avg_requests Rate of ICAP requests per second. PER_SECOND False False
icap_stats.avg_server_error Rate of ICAP server error responses. PER_SECOND False False
icap_stats.avg_time_warning Rate of requests taking time more than ICAP warning threshold. PER_SECOND False False
icap_stats.avg_timedout Rate of ICAP server error responses. PER_SECOND False False
icap_stats.pct_blocked Fraction of blocked ICAP responses. PERCENT False True
icap_stats.pct_error Fraction of total ICAP errors. PERCENT False True
icap_stats.pct_internal_error Fraction of requests failed due to internal errors. PERCENT False True
icap_stats.pct_modified Fraction of modified ICAP responses. PERCENT False True
icap_stats.pct_passed Fraction of allowed ICAP responses. PERCENT False True
icap_stats.pct_time_warning Fraction of ICAP requests exceeding time warning threshold. PERCENT False True
icap_stats.pct_timedout Fraction of ICAP requests timed out. PERCENT False True
icap_stats.sum_blocked Total blocked ICAP responses. METRIC_COUNT False False
icap_stats.sum_duration Total time spent for ICAP processing by all ICAP requests. MICROSECONDS False False
icap_stats.sum_error Total ICAP related errors. METRIC_COUNT False False
icap_stats.sum_internal_error Total internal error while processing ICAP requests. METRIC_COUNT False False
icap_stats.sum_modified Total modified ICAP responses. METRIC_COUNT False False
icap_stats.sum_passed Total allowed ICAP responses. METRIC_COUNT False False
icap_stats.sum_requests Total ICAP requests. METRIC_COUNT False False
icap_stats.sum_server_error Total error responses coming from ICAP server. METRIC_COUNT False False
icap_stats.sum_time_warning Total requests exceeding time warning threshold. METRIC_COUNT False False
icap_stats.sum_timedout Total timeouts for ICAP requests. METRIC_COUNT False False

Bot Metrics

Stats for Bot Detection Policy.

Metric Description Units Anomaly Detection Anomaly Models Priority
bot.avg_all_bots Average number of requests which were classified as any BOT type (not HUMAN or UNKNOWN). PER_SECOND False False
bot.avg_bad_bot Averaged value of request per second which were classified as BAD_BOT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_bypassed Averaged number of requests per second for which bot detection was bypassed via allow_list. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_dangerous_bot Averaged value of request per second which were classified as DANGEROUS_BOT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_evaluate_ip_location Averaged number of requests per second for which IP network location was evaluated. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_evaluate_ip_reputation Averaged number of requests per second for which IP reputation was evaluated. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_evaluate_user_agent Averaged number of requests per second for which user agent was evaluated. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_good_bot Averaged value of requests per second which were classified as GOOD_BOT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_human Averaged value of requests per second which were classified as HUMAN. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_requests Averaged number of requests per second which are executing the Bot Policy. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_unknown Averaged value of requests per second which were classified as UNKNOWN_CLIENT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.avg_user_defined_bot Averaged value of requests per second which were classified as USER_DEFINED_BOT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_all_bots Maximum value of requests per second which were classified as any BOT type (not HUMAN or UNKNOWN). PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG False
bot.max_bad_bot Maximum value of request per second which were classified as BAD_BOT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_bypassed Maximum number of requests per second for which bot detection was bypassed via allow_list. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_dangerous_bot Maximum value of requests per second which were classified as DANGEROUS_BOT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_evaluate_ip_location Maximum number of requests per second for which IP network location was evaluated. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_evaluate_ip_reputation Maximum number of requests per second for which IP reputation was evaluated. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_evaluate_user_agent Maximum number of requests per second for which user agent was evaluated. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_good_bot Maximum value of requests per second which were classified as GOOD_BOT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_human Maximum value of requests per second which were classified as HUMAN. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_requests Maximum number of requests per second which are executing the Bot Policy. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_unknown Maximum value of requests per second which were classified as UNKNOWN_CLIENT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.max_user_defined_bot Maximum value of requests per second which were classified as USER_DEFINED_BOT. PER_SECOND True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_all_bots Total number of requests which were classified as any BOT type (not HUMAN or UNKNOWN). METRIC_COUNT False False
bot.sum_bad_bot Total number of request which were classified as BAD_BOT. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_bypassed Total number of requests per second for which bot detection was bypassed via allow_list. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_dangerous_bot Total number of requests which were classified as DANGEROUS_BOT. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_evaluate_ip_location Total number of requests per second for which IP network location was evaluated. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_evaluate_ip_reputation Total number of requests per second for which IP reputation was evaluated. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_evaluate_user_agent Total number of requests per second for which user agent was evaluated. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_good_bot Total number of requests which were classified as GOOD_BOT. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_human Total number of requests which were classified as HUMAN. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_requests Total number of requests per second which are executing the Bot Policy. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_unknown Total number of requests which were classified as UNKNOWN_CLIENT. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True
bot.sum_user_defined_bot Total number of requests which were classified as USER_DEFINED_BOT. METRIC_COUNT True EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG True