Performing Server Maintenance on a Bare-Metal Host


Server maintenance can be any one of the following: Host-OS upgrade, security patches, kernel updates, etc. To perform any maintenance on a bare-metal host in an Avi Vantage Linux server cloud, the user should perform one or more of the following recommended procedures, as appropriate to the situation.

Procedure for Server Hosting Service Engine(s):

  • Disable the affected SE by navigating to Infrastructure > Service Engine > Select SE > Disable.
  • Log into the host upon which maintenance is to be performed.
  • Execute:

systemctl stop avise
systemctl stop docker
  • Perform whatever host maintenance is required.
  • Start Docker and Avi Services by executing:

systemctl start docker
systemctl start avise
  • Enable the Service Engine by navigating to Infrastructure > Service Engine > Select SE > Enable.
NOTE: Please make sure to perform one server maintenance at a time if you are performing server maintenance on bare-metal hosts containing Controllers.

Procedure for Server Hosting Controller(s):

  • Log into the host upon which maintenance is to be performed.
  • Execute

systemctl stop avicontroller
systemctl stop docker
  • Perform whatever host maintenance is required.
  • Start Docker and Avi Services by executing:

systemctl start docker
systemctl start avicontroller

Procedure for Server Hosting Both Controller(s) and Service Engine(s):

  • Disable the affected SEs affected by navigating to Infrastructure > Service Engine > Select SE > Disable.
  • Log into the host upon which maintenance is to be performed.

systemctl stop avise
systemctl stop avicontroller
systemctl stop docker
  • Perform whatever host maintenance is required.
  • Start Docker and Avi Services by executing:

systemctl start docker
systemctl start avicontroller
systemctl start avise
  • Enable Service Engine(s) by navigating to Infrastructure > Service Engine > Select SE > Enable.