What are the various CLI and shell prompts available for Avi Vantage?


Via two command-line interfaces, the authorized user may engage in three conversations. Conversations with the first two entities are common. Conversations of the third kind are very rare, and typically undertaken by Avi Customer Support personnel for troubleshooting purposes.

In conversation your commands address with this frequency
1 Avi Controller's Linux OS using bash commonly
2 Avi Vantage processes running on Controller using the Avi shell commonly
3 the SE’s Linux operating system rarely

Accessing Avi Controller

  1. Via Linux shell
    • Access Avi Controller’s OS via the bash Linux command line interface.
    • Either ssh to the Controller or access it via the console from an orchestrator such as vCenter.
    • Example: If the Controller’s address is, type the ssh command: ssh admin@ and when prompted, supply the password for the admin user.

    Avi Controller CLI is used to analyze various logs in /opt/avi/log and /var/log/upstart directories.

  2. Via Avi shell
    • Starts with conversation 1.
    • Thereafter, to enter Avi Vantage-specific commands, first type the shell command and furnish credentials.
    • Example: show virtualservice <name-of-virtual-service>

Accessing Avi Service Engines

  • ssh to an Avi SE or execute the attach serviceengine <name-of-service-engine> command from the Avi shell to enter the SE’s Linux CLI.
  • Use it to look into SE-specific logs in various directories, such as /opt/avi/log.

Shell prompt access is not available for Avi Service Engines. Avi SE’s Linux CLI does not provide option to run show commands.

More details are available in the Avi CLI Guide.

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