CLI Top-Level Commands


The following are top-level commands shown when pressing tab twice from the shell:

Command Description
attach Connect to a remote Controller or SE. Similar to SSH.
clear Clear the statistics or value of a designated object.
configure Create or modify a new or existing object, such as a VS, pool, profile...
convert Import and convert a configuration from non-Avi load balancers.
copy Copy a file, such as a packet capture or tech-support file.
debug Change debug settings or perform packet captures.
delete Delete an object. Some objects may have dependencies which must be resolved first.
do Execute a show command without exiting the current location or sub-mode.
export Back up the system configuration or a single VS configuration.
import Import a backed up (exported) complete or VS specific configuration.
initialplacement Specify the initial SE for a VS when using manual placement mode.
migrate Move a VS using manual placement mode to a different SE.
purge Remove a file, such as a packet capture or tech-support file.
rebalance Realign the SEs handing virtual services within an SE group.
reboot Reboot part or all of the Avi system. Can also wipe configuration.
rediscover VMware-specific: Initiate discovery of networks and VMs Disable then re-enable a VS.
restart Disable then re-enable a VS.
scalein Reduce by one the number of SEs handling a VS in manual placement mode.
scaleout Increase by one the number of SEs handling a VS in manual placement mode
show Show detailed information and stats on any Avi object.
switchto Switch into a different tenant.
terminal Alter the shell's terminal settings.
upgrade Initiate an upgrade of the Avi system.
upload Upload a file.
upload_to_avi Upload a specified tech-support debug file to Avi Networks.
verifylogin Validate login settings to a remote orchestrator such as vCenter, APIC, or OpenStack.
watch Updates the result of a command such as show every few seconds.


Description: Connect to a remote Controller or SE. Similar to SSH.
Example: attach serviceengine Avi-se-arjnz
Top Level Flags:
controller Attach to a Controller shell.
serviceengine Attach to a Service Engine shell.


Description Create or modify a new or existing object, such as a VS, Pool or Profile.
Example : > configure pool Test
Top-Level Flags
actiongroupconfig Create or modify an Action Group Config
alertconfig Create or modify an Alert Config
alertemailconfig Create or modify an Alert Email Config
alertscriptconfig Create or modify an Alert Script Config
alertsyslogconfig Create or modify an Alert Syslog Config
analyticsprofile Create or modify an Alert Syslog Config
application Create or modify an Application
applicationpersistenceprofile Create or modify an Application Persistence Profile
applicationprofile Create or modify an Application Profile
authprofile Create or modify an Auth Profile
cloud Create or modify a Cloud
cluster Create or modify a Cluster
controller Create or modify Controller properties
healthmonitor Create or modify a Health Monitor
httppolicyset Create or modify an HTTP Policy Set
ipaddrgroup Create or modify an IP Address Group
network Create or modify a Network
networkprofile Create or modify a Network Profile
networksecuritypolicy Create or modify a Network Security Policy
pkiprofile Create or modify a PKI Profile
pool Create or modify a Pool
role Create or modify a Role
serviceengine Create or modify a Service Engine
serviceenginegroup Create or modify a Service Engine Group
serviceengineproperties Create or modify Service Engine properties
sslkeyandcertificate Create or modify an SSL Key and Certificate Request
sslprofile Create or modify an SSL Profile
stringgroup Create or modify a String Group
systemconfiguration Create or modify a System Configuration
tenant Create or modify a Tenant
user Create or modify a User
virtualservice Create or modify a Virtual Service
vrfcontext Create or modify a VRF Context
vsdatascriptset Create or modify a VS DataScript Set


Description: Import and convert a configuration from non-Avi load balancers. Supports conversion from F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager configuration. Imported Virtual Services start in a disabled state to avoid IP conflicts.
Example: convert bigip_configuration
Top-Level Flags
bigip_ip_addr BIGIP IP address
filename Avi config file name
password BIGIP Password
username BIGIP Username
virtualservername Convert virtualserver. Name is of the form /partition/virtualservername


Description: Copy a file, such as a packet capture or tech-support file.
Example: copy file source /tmp/old destination /tmp/new
Top-Level Flags:
source The source of the original file and path
destination The destination of the new file and path


Description: Change debug settings or perform packet captures.
Example: : > debug virtualservice Test-VS
Top-Level Flags:
controller Controller-specific debug options
serviceengine Service Engine-specific debug options
virtualservice Virtual Service specific debug options, including packet capture.


Description: Delete an object. Some objects may have dependencies that must be resolved first.
Example: delete pool Test-Pool
Top-Level Flags:
actiongroupconfig Delete Action Group Config Delete Alert
alert Delete Alert Config
alertconfig Delete Alert Email Config
alertemailconfig Delete Alert Script Config
alertscriptconfig Delete Alert Syslog Config
alertsyslogconfig Delete Analytics Profile
application Delete Application
applicationpersistenceprofile Delete Application Persistence Profile
applicationprofile Delete Application Profile
authprofile Delete Auth Profile
cloud Delete Cloud
healthmonitor Delete Health Monitor
httppolicyset Delete HTTP Policy Set
ipaddrgroup Delete IP Address Group
network Delete Network
networkprofile Delete Network Profile
networksecuritypolicy Delete Network Security Policy
pkiprofile Delete PKI Profile
pool Delete Pool
role Delete Role
serviceengine Delete Service Engine
serviceenginegroup Delete Service Engine Group
sslkeyandcertificate Delete SSL Key and Certificate Request
sslprofile Delete SSL Profile
stringgroup Delete String Group
tenant Delete Tenant
user Delete User
virtualservice Delete Virtual Service
vrfcontext Delete VRF Context
vsdatascriptset Delete VS DataScript Set


Description: Execute a show command without exiting the current location or sub-model.
Example: do show debug flags virtualservice Test-VS
Top-Level Flags:
show Show detailed information and stats for any Avi object.


Description: Back up the system configuration or a single VS configuration.
Example: export configuration file /tmp/backup_config
export virtualservice Test-VS file /tmp/Test-VS
Top-Level Flags:
configuration Export the entire Avi configuration in JSON format.
serviceengine Export the Service Engine OVA file from Controller for manual install.
virtualservice Export a specific Virtual Service configuration file including child objects.


Description: Import a backed up (exported) complete or VS specific configuration.
Example: import configuration file /tmp/backup_config
Top-Level Flags:


Description: initialplacement
virtualservice Test-VS
servicengine Avi-se-arjni
Top-Level Flags:
virtualservice Specify the Virtual Service to be assigned to an SE.
serviceengine Specify the name of the Service Engine to receive the VS.


Command Description
Description: Move a Virtual Service using manual placement (No Access or Read Access) mode to a different SE
Example: migrate
virtualservice Test-VS
serviceengine Avi-se-arjni
Top-Level Flags:
from_se_ref Specify the name of the source SE that has the VS.
to_host_ref An option used with to_new_se, specifying the host upon which to create the new Service Engine.
to_new_se Create a new SE and migrate to it.
to_se_ref Migrate to a specific existing SE.


Description: Remove a file, such as a packet capture or tech-support file.
Example: purge file source /tmp/backup_config
Top-Level Flags:


Description: In auto scale mode, sets the frequency upon which the Controller will Inspect an SE group to see if a VS to SE mapping should be adjusted, potentially resulting in a scale in, scale out, or migration.
Example: rebalance interval 10 se_group_ref My_SE_Group
Top-Level Flags:
interval The frequency, in minutes. Default is 5
se_group_ref The name of the SE group to alter.


Description: Reboot part of all of the Avi system. Can also wipe configuration. With no flags specified, all Controllers and SEs are rebooted.
Example: reboot
Top-Level Flags:
clean Reset the Avi system's configuration and reboot the cluster. Consider making a backup first.
node Reboot the virtual machine of a Controllers within a cluster.
serviceengine Reboot a specific Service Engine. VS disruption will depend on the high availability settings for the SE group.


Description: VMware-specific: Initiate discovery of networks and VMs.
Example: rediscover vcenter My-vCenter
Top-Level Flags:


Description: Disable then immediately re-enable a VS.
Example: restart virtualservice Test-VS
Top-Level Flags:


Description: Reduce by one the number of Service Engines handling a virtual service in manual placement mode. There must be a minimum of one SE.
Example: scalein virtualservice Test-VS
Top-Level Flags:
from_se_ref Specify a non-primary SE to stop using for this VS.
scalein_primary Migrate from the primary SE and discontinue use of the SE for this VS.


Description: Increase by one the number of SEs handling a VS in manual placement.
Example: scaleout virtualservice Test-VS
Top-Level Flags:
to_host_ref An option used with to_new_se, specifying where to create the new SE.
to_new_se Create a new SE and scale out to it.
to_se_ref Scale out to an existing SE.


Description: Show detailed information and stats on any Avi object.
Example: show virtualservice Test-VS summary
Top-Level Flags:
actiongroupconfig Show info on an Action Group Config
alert Show info on an Alert
alertconfig Show info on an Alert Config
alertemailconfig Show info on an Alert Email Config
alertscriptconfig Show info on an Alert Script Config
alertsyslogconfig Show info on the an Syslog Config
analyticsprofile Show info on an Analytics Profile
apic Show info on the APIC Graph Instances
application Show info on an Application Folder
applicationpersistenceprofile Show info on an Application Persistence Profile
applicationprofile Show info on an Application Profile
authprofile Show info on an Auth Profile
backups Show available backup files
cloud Show info on the Cloud
cluster Show info on the Cluster
config-consistency-check Show config-consistency-check status
config_events Show info on the Event Log
configuration Show configuration
controller Show Controller properties
cpuusage Show Controller CPU usage
debug Show Virtual Service capture file
debug-log Show Service Engine debugs
diskusage Show Controller disk usage
events Show info on an Event Log
file Show files
healthmonitor Show info on a Health Monitor
httppolicyset Show info on an HTTP Policy Set
ipaddrgroup Show info on an IP Address Group
jobs Show all duration based jobs pending expiry.
License Show info on the Controller License
Logcontrollermapping Show mapping of log Controllers for each VS
logs-status Show logs subsystem status
memoryusage Show Controller memory usage
metricsmgr Show info on a Metrics Entity Runtime
network Show info on a Network
networkprofile Show info on a Network Profile
networksecuritypolicy Show info on a Network Security Policy
openstack_audit Show OpenStack LBaaS vs Avi config audit reports
pkiprofile Show info on a PKI Profile
placement Show info on a Rm VRF Proto
pool Show info on a Pool
role Show info on a Role
serviceengine Show info on a Service Engine
serviceenginegroup Show info on a Service Engine Group
serviceengineproperties Show the Service Engine properties
seupgrade Show an ongoing SE upgrade status
sslkeyandcertificate Show info on an SSL Key and Certificate
sslprofile Show info on an SSL Profile
stringgroup Show info on a String Group
systemconfiguration Show info on the System Configuration
systemconfigurationruntime Show info on the System Configuration Runtime
tech-support Show full tech support
tenant Show info on a Tenant
terminal Show the terminal settings
transaction Show more info on Transaction Stats
upgrade Show upgrade status if one is in-progress
user Show info on the User
vcenter Show info on the specified VMs
version Show a Controller node's version
vinfra Show info on the VI Datastore Contents
virtualservice Show info on a Virtual Service
vrfcontext Show info on a VRF Context
vsdatascriptset Show info on the VS DataScript Set


Description: Switch into a different tenant.
Example: switchto tenant Tenant2
Top-Level Flags:


Description: Alter the shell's terminal settings.
Example: terminal session_timeout 240
Top-Level Flags:
length Number of rows to show for pagination output. Greater than will pipe to more. Choose 0 for no pagination.
session_timeout Alter the default 15 min timeout to keep an idle terminal session open.
timezone Display timestamps in specified time zone.
unhide Commands show additional, flags. Not recommended for casual use.


Description: Initiate an upgrade of the Avi system. This may be done passively (by migrating each SE while upgrading) or disruptively (fast, but it will terminate existing client connections then begin the upgrade).
Example: upgrade system image_path /tmp/new_file
Top-Level Flags:
system Upgrade the Avi system.
ui Upgrade the Avi UI.


Description: Upload a file.
Example: upload file filename <path-to-file>
Top-Level Flags
adminkey Upload admin key.
file Upload file.
gslbfiles Upload Gslb Geo files.
hsmpackage Upload hsmpackages.
image Uploads the file when filepath is provided.


Description: Generate and upload a tech-support debug file to Avi Networks.
Example: upload_to_avi tech-support debuglogs case_number <SR-number> portal_token <token>
Top-Level Flags
core No help string defined for ShowCore.
stack_trace No help string defined for ShowStackTrace.
tech-support Upload system tech support.


Description: Validate the username, password, and path to a remote orchestrator such as vCenter, APIC, or OpenStack.
Example: verifylogin
vcenter username
admin password secret
Top-Level Flags:
apic Verify access to an APIC controller.
openstack Verify access to OpenStack.
vcenter Verify access to a VMware vCenter controller.


Description: Updates the result of a command such as show every few seconds.
Example: watch show pool Test-pool server detail | grep -e 'ip\| open_conns'
Top-Level Flags:
show Select a valid show command syntax to update.


Flexible Upgrades for Avi Vantage