Supported Syslog Formats
In addition to default legacy format, Avi Vantage supports two other syslog formats.
Note: This article only applies to the formatting of the alerts sent out as syslog messages from the Controller. It does not impact the formatting of the application/client logs streamed from SEs directly.
Use the format
option under alertsyslogconfig
command to set the syslog format parameter. The following are the supported formats:
Note: Starting with Avi Vantage 20.1.3, a new syslog format, SYSLOG_RFC5425_ENHANCED
is introduced.
Use the format syslog_format
command to configure the required format. The following is an example of configuring a syslog format of SYSLOG_JSON
[admin:10-X-X-X]: > configure alertsyslogconfig Syslog-Test1
[admin:10-X-X-X]: alertsyslogconfig> syslog_servers
New object being created
[admin:10-X-X-X]: alertsyslogconfig:syslog_servers> syslog_server
[admin:10-X-X-X]: alertsyslogconfig:syslog_servers> syslog_server_port 516
[admin:10-X-X-X]: alertsyslogconfig:syslog_servers> format SYSLOG_JSON
[admin:10-X-X-X]: alertsyslogconfig:syslog_servers> save
[admin:10-X-X-X]: alertsyslogconfig> save
| Field | Value |
| uuid | alertsyslogconfig-d6d24aa4-085d-4204-8cd4-3ff24d7242a4 |
| name | Syslog-Test1 |
| syslog_servers[1] | |
| syslog_server | |
| syslog_server_port | 516 |
| udp | False |
| format | SYSLOG_JSON |
| tenant_ref | admin |
Use the show alertsyslogconfig
command to confirm the format currently set for the Syslog-Test1
[admin:10-10-24-65]: > show alertsyslogconfig Syslog-Test1
| Field | Value |
| uuid | alertsyslogconfig-d4b2a910-7750-4d20-b5c7-0009816c7300 |
| name | Syslog-Test1 |
| syslog_servers[1] | |
| syslog_server | |
| syslog_server_port | 516 |
| udp | False |
| format | SYSLOG_JSON |
| tenant_ref | admin |
The following are the sample log message for all three formats.
Sep 12 17:29:36 10.X.X.X [2018-09-12 17:29:36,398: Avi-Controller: INFO: ] [default: reason: Syslog for Config Events occured] At 2018-09-12 17:29:33+00:00 event CONFIG_UPDATE occurred on object default in tenant admin as Config update status is success (performed by user admin).`
Sep 12 17:25:21 2018-09-12 17: 25:21,283 user-ctlr-nsx Avi-Controller - - - INFO [Syslog-Config: reason: Syslog for Config Events occured] At 2018-09-12 17:25:14+00:00 event CONFIG_UPDATE occurred on object Syslog-Config in tenant admin as Config Syslog-Config update status is success (performed by user admin).`
Sep 12 17:28:21 2018-09-12 17: 28:21,436 user-ctlr-nsx Avi-Controller - - - INFO [default: reason: Syslog for Config Events occured] {"level": "ALERT_LOW", "timestamp": "2018-09-12 17:28:15", "obj_name": "default", "tenant_uuid": "admin", "summary": "Syslog for Config Events occured", "obj_key": "default", "reason": "threshold_exceeded", "obj_uuid": "default", "related_objects": ["default"], "threshold": 0, "events": [{"obj_type": "SYSTEMCONFIGURATION", "tenant_name": "", "event_id": "CONFIG_UPDATE", "related_uuids": ["default"], "event_details": {"config_update_details": {"status": "Success", "resource_name": "", "old_resource_data": "{\"email_configuration\": {\"disable_tls\": false, \"mail_server_port\": 25, \"mail_server_name\": \"localhost\", \"smtp_type\": \"SMTP_LOCAL_HOST\", \"from_email\": \"\"}, \"global_tenant_config\": {\"se_in_provider_context\": true, \"tenant_access_to_provider_se\": true, \"tenant_vrf\": false}, \"uuid\": \"default\", \"dns_configuration\": {\"search_domain\": \"\"}, \"url\": \"https://10.X.X.X/api/systemconfiguration\", \"ssh_hmacs\": [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"hmac-sha2-512\"], \"docker_mode\": false, \"snmp_configuration\": {\"version\": \"SNMP_VER2\", \"large_trap_payload\": false, \"sys_contact\": \"\", \"community\": \"<sensitive>\"}, \"portal_configuration\": {\"use_uuid_from_input\": false, \"redirect_to_https\": true, \"sslprofile_ref\": \"https://10.X.X.X/api/sslprofile/sslprofile-aaaaaaa-bbbb-11cc-22dd-123456789123#System-Standard-Portal\", \"disable_remote_cli_shell\": false, \"enable_clickjacking_protection\": true, \"sslkeyandcertificate_refs\": [\"https://10.Y.Y.Y/api/sslkeyandcertificate/sslkeyandcertificate-sslprofile-aaaaaaa-bbbb-11cc-22dd-123456789123#System-Default-Portal-Cert\", \"https://10.X.X.X/api/sslkeyandcertificate/sslkeyandcertificate-sslprofile-aaaaaaa-bbbb-11cc-22dd-123456789123#System-Default-Portal-Cert-EC256\"], \"enable_https\": true, \"allow_basic_authentication\": true, \"password_strength_check\": false, \"enable_http\": true}, \"ntp_configuration\": {\"ntp_servers\": [{\"server\": {\"type\": \"DNS\", \"addr\": \"\"}}, {\"server\": {\"type\": \"DNS\", \"addr\": \"\"}}, {\"server\": {\"type\": \"DNS\", \"addr\": \"\"}}, {\"server\": {\"type\": \"DNS\", \"addr\": \"\"}}]}, \"ssh_ciphers\": [\"aes128-ctr\", \"aes256-ctr\", \"arcfour256\", \"arcfour128\"], \"default_license_tier\": \"ENTERPRISE_18\", \"_last_modified\": \"1536773140367910\"}", "user": "admin", "new_resource_data": "{\"url\": \"https://10.X.X.X/api/systemconfiguration\", \"uuid\": \"default\", \"_last_modified\": \"1536773295406537\", \"email_configuration\": {\"disable_tls\": false, \"mail_server_port\": 25, \"mail_server_name\": \"localhost\", \"smtp_type\": \"SMTP_LOCAL_HOST\", \"from_email\": \"\"}, \"global_tenant_config\": {\"se_in_provider_context\": true, \"tenant_access_to_provider_se\": true, \"tenant_vrf\": false}, \"dns_configuration\": {\"search_domain\": \"\"}, \"ssh_hmacs\": [\"\", \"\", \"\", \"hmac-sha2-512\"], \"docker_mode\": false, \"portal_configuration\": {\"use_uuid_from_input\": false, \"redirect_to_https\": true, \"sslprofile_ref\": \"https://10.X.X.X/api/sslprofile/sslprofile-aaaaaaa-bbbb-11cc-22dd-123456789123#System-Standard-Portal\", \"disable_remote_cli_shell\": false, \"enable_clickjacking_protection\": true, \"sslkeyandcertificate_refs\": [\"https://10.X.X.X/api/sslkeyandcertificate/sslkeyandcertificate-aaaaaaa-bbbb-11cc-22dd-123456789123#System-Default-Portal-Cert\", \"https://10.X.X.X/api/sslkeyandcertificate/sslkeyandcertificate-aaaaaaa-bbbb-11cc-22dd-123456789123#System-Default-Portal-Cert-EC256\"], \"enable_https\": true, \"allow_basic_authentication\": true, \"password_strength_check\": false, \"enable_http\": true}, \"ntp_configuration\": {\"ntp_servers\": [{\"server\": {\"type\": \"DNS\", \"addr\": \"\"}}, {\"server\": {\"type\": \"DNS\", \"addr\": \"\"}}, {\"server\": {\"type\": \"DNS\", \"addr\": \"\"}}, {\"server\": {\"type\": \"DNS\", \"addr\": \"\"}}]}, \"ssh_ciphers\": [\"aes128-ctr\", \"aes256-ctr\", \"arcfour256\", \"arcfour128\"], \"default_license_tier\": \"ENTERPRISE_18\"}", "path": "/api/systemconfiguration/", "resource_type": "SystemConfiguration"}}, "event_description": "Config update status is success (performed by user admin)", "module": "CONFIG", "report_timestamp": "2018-09-12 17:28:15", "internal": "EVENT_EXTERNAL", "event_pages": ["EVENT_PAGE_ALL", "EVENT_PAGE_VS", "EVENT_PAGE_POOL", "EVENT_PAGE_SE", "EVENT_PAGE_AUDIT"], "context": "EVENT_CONTEXT_CONFIG", "obj_name": "default", "obj_uuid": "default", "tenant": "admin"}], "name": "Syslog-Config-Events-default-6600391043391638330-1536773295-19597741"} `
mode, the syslog messages emitted from the Avi Controller adhere to the format described in RFC5425.
The syslog messages in this mode has the following format: HEADER STRUCTURED-DATA MSG, where the header is as described below:
PRI: Represents the facility and severity of the message. PRI = Facility * 8 + Severity
VERSION: The version number of the syslog protocol standard. Currently this value is 1.
ISOTIMESTAMP: The time when the message was generated in the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+-ZONE)
HOSTNAME: The machine that originally sent the message.
Consider the example given below:
Dec 22 09:15:09 1 2020-12-22T09:15:09.936Z 10-128-49-7 Avi-Controller - - - INFO [Syslog-Config: reason: Syslog for Config Events occured] At 2020-12-22 09:13:33+00:00 event CONFIG_UPDATE occurred on object Syslog-Config in tenant admin as Config Syslog-Config update status is success (performed by user admin).