Integrating with Network Infrastructure Automation (NIA)
This guide explains the pool module for Network Infrastructure Automation (NIA).
Note: This Terraform module is designed to be used only with consul-terraform-sync.
This module supports scale up and scale down pool and pool members(servers) based on the service(s) configuration in Consul catalog.
The consul-terraform-sync
runs as a daemon that enables a publisher-subscriber paradigm between Consul and the Controller to support Network Infrastructure Automation (NIA).
The consul-terraform-sync
subscribe to updates from the Consul catalog and executes one or more automation tasks with appropriate value of service variables based on those updates. The consul-terraform-sync
leverages Terraform as the underlying automation tool and utilizes the Terraform provider ecosystem to drive relevant change to the network infrastructure.
Each task consists of a runbook automation written as a compatible Terraform module using resources and data sources for the underlying network infrastructure provider.
You can install consul-terraform-sync using Installing Consul-Terraform-Sync link.
Name | Version |
Terraform | >= 0.13 |
consul-terraform-sync | >= 0.1.0 |
consul | >= 1.7 |
Name | Version |
vmware/avi | >= 20.1.4 |
In order to use this module, you will need to install consul-terraform-sync, create a task with this Terraform module as a source within the task, and run consul-terraform-sync.
You can subscribe to the services in the consul catalog and define the Terraform module which will be executed when there are any updates to the subscribed services using a task.
Note: It is recommended to have the Consul-Terraform-Sync Configuration Guide link for reference.
Download the
on a node which is highly available (preferably, a node running a consul client) -
to the path on that node - Check the installation using the following CLI code:
wget<consul-terraform-sync-version>/consul-terraform-sync_<consul-terraform-sync-version> unzip consul-terraform-sync_<consul-terraform-sync-version> sudo mv consul-terraform-sync /usr/local/bin consul-terraform-sync --version
- Create a config file
. For instance,log_level = <log_level> # eg. "info" consul { address = "<consul agent address>" # eg. "" } driver "terraform" { log = true required_providers { avi = { source = "vmware/avi" version = "20.1.4" } } } terraform_provider "avi" { avi_username = "admin" avi_tenant = "admin" avi_password = "" avi_controller = "<avi_controller_address>" avi_version = "<api_version>" avi_api_timeout = 50 } task { name = <name of the task (has to be unique)> # eg. "avi-pool-counting" description = <description of the task> # eg. "Automatically Scale/Configure AVI Pool Servers" source = "vmware/modules/nia/pool" # to be updated providers = ["avi"] services = ["<list of services you want to subscribe to>"] # eg. ["web", "counting"] variable_files = ["<list of files that have user variables for this module (please input full path)>"] # eg. ["/home/user/cts-poc/"] enabled = true }
- Start
using the following CLI code:$ consul-terraform-sync -config-file=tasks.hcl
The consul-terraform-sync
will create pool for each task and subscribed services from consul catalog will become the servers of pool.
The consul-terraform-sync
is now subscribed to the Consul catalog. Any updates to the services identified in the task will result in updating the servers config of pool on the Avi Controller.
Configuring Task Parameters for Consul Terraform Sync.
For more details on variable for task {} block in task.hcl, refer to Inputs section in README guide.
How does consul-terraform-sync work?
There are 2 aspects of consul-terraform-sync
, namely, updates from Consul catalog and managing the entire Terraform workflow.
Updates from Consul Catalog
In the backend, consul-terraform-sync
creates a blocking API query session with the Consul agent identified in the config to get updates from the Consul catalog, named consul-terraform-sync
The consul-terraform-sync
will get an update for the services in the consul catalog when any of the following service attributes are created, updated or deleted. These updates include service creation and deletion as well.
- Service ID
- Service Name
- Service Address
- Service Port
- Service Meta
- Service Tags
- Service Namespace
- Service Health Status
- Node ID
- Node Address
- Node Datacenter
- Node Tagged Addresses
- Node Meta
Managing the entire Terraform Workflow
If a task and is defined, one or more services are associated with the task, provider is declared in the task and a Terraform module is specified using the source field of the task, the following sequence of events will occur:
will install the required version of Terraform. -
will install the required version of the Terraform provider defined in the config file and declared in the task. -
A new directory nia-tasks with a sub-directory corresponding to each task will be created. This is the reason for having strict guidelines around naming. Each sub-directory corresponds to a separate Terraform workspace. Within each sub-directory corresponding a task,
will template
This files contains declaration for the required Terraform and provider versions based on the task definition.
In addition, this file has the module (identified by the source field in the task) declaration with the input variables Consul K/V is used as the backend state for this Terraform workspace.
Example of generated
by consul-terraform-sync
# This file is generated by Consul Terraform Sync.
# The HCL blocks, arguments, variables, and values are derived from the
# operator configuration for Sync. Any manual changes to this file
# may not be preserved and could be overwritten by a subsequent update.
# Task: avi-svc-web
# Description: Automatically Scale AVI Service Redirection Destinations
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.13.0, < 0.15"
required_providers {
avi = {
source = "vmware/avi"
version = "20.1.4"
backend "consul" {
address = "x.x.x.x:8500"
gzip = true
path = "consul-terraform-sync/terraform"
provider "avi" {
avi_api_timeout = var.avi.avi_api_timeout
avi_controller = var.avi.avi_controller
avi_password = var.avi.avi_password
avi_tenant = var.avi.avi_tenant
avi_username = var.avi.avi_username
avi_version = var.avi.avi_version
module "avi-svc-web" {
source = "vmware/modules/nia/pool"
services =
avi_controller = var.avi_controller
avi_password = var.avi_password
avi_username = var.avi_username
avi_version = var.avi_version
lb_algorithm = var.lb_algorithm
pool_name = var.pool_name
This is
file defined in the module.
Example of generated
by consul-terraform-sync
# This file is generated by Consul Terraform Sync.
# The HCL blocks, arguments, variables, and values are derived from the
# operator configuration for Sync. Any manual changes to this file
# may not be preserved and could be overwritten by a subsequent update.
# Task: avi-svc-web
# Description: Automatically Scale AVI Service Redirection Destinations
# Service definition protocol v0
variable "services" {
description = "Consul services monitored by Consul Terraform Sync"
type = map(
id = string
name = string
kind = string
address = string
port = number
meta = map(string)
tags = list(string)
namespace = string
status = string
node = string
node_id = string
node_address = string
node_datacenter = string
node_tagged_addresses = map(string)
node_meta = map(string)
cts_user_defined_meta = map(string)
variable "avi" {
default = null
description = "Configuration object for avi"
sensitive = true
type = object({
alias = string
avi_api_timeout = number
avi_controller = string
avi_password = string
avi_tenant = string
avi_username = string
avi_version = string
Example of generated
by consul-terraform-sync
# This file is generated by Consul Terraform Sync.
# The HCL blocks, arguments, variables, and values are derived from the
# operator configuration for Sync. Any manual changes to this file
# may not be preserved and could be overwritten by a subsequent update.
# Task: avi-svc-web
# Description: Automatically Scale AVI Service Redirection Destinations
variable "avi_controller" {
default = null
type = string
variable "avi_password" {
default = null
type = string
variable "avi_username" {
default = null
type = string
variable "avi_version" {
default = null
type = string
variable "lb_algorithm" {
default = null
type = string
variable "pool_name" {
default = null
type = string
This is the most important file generated by consul-terraform-sync
This variables file is generated with the most updated values from Consul catalog for all the services identified in the task.
updates this file with the latest values when the corresponding service gets updated in Consul catalog.
Example of generated terraform.tfvars
by consul-terraform-sync:
# This file is generated by Consul Terraform Sync.
# The HCL blocks, arguments, variables, and values are derived from the
# operator configuration for Sync. Any manual changes to this file
# may not be preserved and could be overwritten by a subsequent update.
# Task: avi-svc-web
# Description: Automatically Scale AVI Service Redirection Destinations
services = {
"web.avi-dev.dc1" : {
id = "web"
name = "web"
kind = ""
address = "x.x.x.x"
port = 80
meta = {
enabled = "false"
ratio = "5"
tags = ["rails"]
namespace = null
status = "passing"
node = "ys-dev"
node_id = "<id>"
node_address = "x.x.x.x"
node_datacenter = "dc1"
node_tagged_addresses = {
lan = "x.x.x.x"
lan_ipv4 = "x.x.x.x"
wan = "x.x.x.x"
wan_ipv4 = "x.x.x.x"
node_meta = {
consul-network-segment = ""
cts_user_defined_meta = {}
"web.mayank-dev.dc1" : {
id = "web"
name = "web"
kind = ""
address = "x.x.x.x"
port = 80
meta = {}
tags = ["rails"]
namespace = null
status = "passing"
node = "mayank-dev"
node_id = "<id>"
node_address = "x.x.x.x"
node_datacenter = "dc1"
node_tagged_addresses = {
lan = "x.x.x.x"
lan_ipv4 = "x.x.x.x"
wan = "x.x.x.x"
wan_ipv4 = "x.x.x.x"
node_meta = {
consul-network-segment = ""
cts_user_defined_meta = {}
"web.ys-avi-dev-blr.dc1" : {
id = "web"
name = "web"
kind = ""
address = "x.x.x.x"
port = 89
meta = {}
tags = ["rails"]
namespace = null
status = "passing"
node = "ys-dev"
node_id = "<id>"
node_address = "x.x.x.x"
node_datacenter = "dc1"
node_tagged_addresses = {
lan = "x.x.x.x"
lan_ipv4 = "x.x.x.x"
wan = "x.x.x.x"
wan_ipv4 = "x.x.x.x"
node_meta = {
consul-network-segment = ""
cts_user_defined_meta = {}
Note: Network Infrastructure Automation (NIA) compatible modules are built to utilize the above service variables.
The consul-terraform-sync
manages the entire Terraform workflow for all the individual workspaces corresponding to the defined tasks based on the updates from the services declared in those tasks.
Note: In summary, consul-terraform-sync
triggers a Terraform workflow based on updates it detects from Consul catalog.