Avi Object API

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Contact Info: support@avinetworks.com
Version: 21.1.6
All rights reserved


  1. HTTP Basic Authentication


[ Jump to Models ]

Table of Contents

  1. get /analytics/anomaly/pool/
  2. get /analytics/anomaly/pool/{uuid}
  3. get /analytics/anomaly/serviceengine/
  4. get /analytics/anomaly/serviceengine/{uuid}
  5. get /analytics/anomaly/virtualservice/
  6. get /analytics/anomaly/virtualservice/{uuid}
get /analytics/anomaly/pool/


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

include_name (optional)
Query Parameter — All the Avi REST reference URIs have a name suffix as URI#name. It is useful to get the referenced resource name without performing get on that object.
skip_default (optional)
Query Parameter — Default values are not set.
name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name
aggregate_obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — Aggregate metrics for all the records for obj_id. When this is set obj_id is treated as a filter rather than a dimension. Field introduced in 17.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_NONE, METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_COUNT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation_window (optional)
Query Parameter — factor of aggregation window to the step. Eg. if requirement to is aggregate count ever 30 mins using 5 minute samples then value is 6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
detailed_header (optional)
Query Parameter — ability to reduce the information returned in header. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dimension_filter_op (optional)
Query Parameter — Filters the obj_id based on the filter specified. Enum options - METRICS_FILTER_EQUALS, METRICS_FILTER_LIKE, METRICS_FILTER_CONTAINS, METRICS_FILTER_NOT_EQUALS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
entity_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — uuid of the entity type. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_refs (optional)
Query Parameter — Resolve uuid to references. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_related (optional)
Query Parameter — include anomalies from related objects. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — Max number of metric samples. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_entity (optional)
Query Parameter — Metrics Types supported. Enum options - VSERVER_METRICS_ENTITY, VM_METRICS_ENTITY, SE_METRICS_ENTITY, CONTROLLER_METRICS_ENTITY, APPLICATION_METRICS_ENTITY, TENANT_METRICS_ENTITY, POOL_METRICS_ENTITY. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_id (optional)
Query Parameter — This is of the form l4_server. comma seperated values. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
model (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - EXPONENTIAL_MOVING_AVG, EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS, HOLTWINTERS_AT_MS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — object id like vip or server ip. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
order_by (optional)
Query Parameter — Positive means sort from start and Negative sign means sort from end. Only metric_timestamp is supported for now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page (optional)
Query Parameter — page id for the anomaly query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page_size (optional)
Query Parameter — size of each page of anomalies. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
pool_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — Pool name. This will apply to any backend stats that are specified in the query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
priority (optional)
Query Parameter — High priority Anomaly. Enum options - ANZ_PRIORITY_HIGH, ANZ_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, ANZ_PRIORITY_LOW. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
result_format (optional)
Query Parameter — format of the data returned. Enum options - METRICS_FORMAT_JSON, METRICS_FORMAT_CSV, METRICS_FORMAT_TXT, METRICS_FORMAT_PROTOBUF. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
server (optional)
Query Parameter — server ip port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
serviceengine_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — ID of the Node. Eg. if query is SE specific then it would have SE UUID. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
start (optional)
Query Parameter — Start time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is UNIX Epoch. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
step (optional)
Query Parameter — step interval in seconds. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
stop (optional)
Query Parameter — End time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is now. Negative numbers mean relative time from now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — UUID of the Tenant. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "next" : "aeiou",
  "count" : 123,
  "results" : [ {
    "metric_id" : "aeiou",
    "stop" : "aeiou",
    "series" : [ {
      "data" : [ {
        "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "obj_id" : "aeiou",
        "anomaly_model" : "aeiou",
        "anomaly_context" : {
          "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "hw_at_as_context" : {
            "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "level" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
          "hw_at_ms_context" : "",
          "ewma_context" : "",
          "ema_context" : {
            "normal_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "average" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "normal_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "max_std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
        "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
        "priority" : "aeiou",
        "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "value" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "timestamp" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "header" : {
        "server" : "aeiou",
        "obj_id" : "aeiou",
        "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
        "serviceengine_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "derivation_data" : {
          "skip_backend_derivation" : true,
          "include_derivation_metrics" : true,
          "derivation_fn" : "aeiou",
          "exclude_derived_metric" : true,
          "metric_ids" : "aeiou",
          "second_order_derivation" : true,
          "join_tables" : "aeiou",
          "result_has_additional_fields" : true
        "metrics_min_scale" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "units" : "aeiou",
        "priority" : true,
        "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "tenant_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "metrics_sum_agg_invalid" : true,
        "name" : "aeiou",
        "metric_description" : "aeiou",
        "dimension_data" : [ {
          "dimension_id" : "aeiou",
          "dimension" : "aeiou"
        } ],
        "missing_intervals" : [ {
          "start" : "aeiou",
          "end" : "aeiou"
        } ],
        "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "statistics" : {
          "min" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "max" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "max_ts" : "aeiou",
          "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "mean" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "min_ts" : "aeiou",
          "sum" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "last_sample" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "num_samples" : 123
    } ],
    "start" : "aeiou",
    "step" : 123,
    "url" : "aeiou"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK AnomalyzerQueryResponseApiResponse


log in failed

get /analytics/anomaly/pool/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

include_name (optional)
Query Parameter — All the Avi REST reference URIs have a name suffix as URI#name. It is useful to get the referenced resource name without performing get on that object.
skip_default (optional)
Query Parameter — Default values are not set.
aggregate_obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — Aggregate metrics for all the records for obj_id. When this is set obj_id is treated as a filter rather than a dimension. Field introduced in 17.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_NONE, METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_COUNT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation_window (optional)
Query Parameter — factor of aggregation window to the step. Eg. if requirement to is aggregate count ever 30 mins using 5 minute samples then value is 6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
detailed_header (optional)
Query Parameter — ability to reduce the information returned in header. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dimension_filter_op (optional)
Query Parameter — Filters the obj_id based on the filter specified. Enum options - METRICS_FILTER_EQUALS, METRICS_FILTER_LIKE, METRICS_FILTER_CONTAINS, METRICS_FILTER_NOT_EQUALS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
entity_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — uuid of the entity type. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_refs (optional)
Query Parameter — Resolve uuid to references. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_related (optional)
Query Parameter — include anomalies from related objects. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — Max number of metric samples. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_entity (optional)
Query Parameter — Metrics Types supported. Enum options - VSERVER_METRICS_ENTITY, VM_METRICS_ENTITY, SE_METRICS_ENTITY, CONTROLLER_METRICS_ENTITY, APPLICATION_METRICS_ENTITY, TENANT_METRICS_ENTITY, POOL_METRICS_ENTITY. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_id (optional)
Query Parameter — This is of the form l4_server. comma seperated values. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
model (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - EXPONENTIAL_MOVING_AVG, EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS, HOLTWINTERS_AT_MS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — object id like vip or server ip. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
order_by (optional)
Query Parameter — Positive means sort from start and Negative sign means sort from end. Only metric_timestamp is supported for now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page (optional)
Query Parameter — page id for the anomaly query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page_size (optional)
Query Parameter — size of each page of anomalies. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
pool_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — Pool name. This will apply to any backend stats that are specified in the query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
priority (optional)
Query Parameter — High priority Anomaly. Enum options - ANZ_PRIORITY_HIGH, ANZ_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, ANZ_PRIORITY_LOW. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
result_format (optional)
Query Parameter — format of the data returned. Enum options - METRICS_FORMAT_JSON, METRICS_FORMAT_CSV, METRICS_FORMAT_TXT, METRICS_FORMAT_PROTOBUF. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
server (optional)
Query Parameter — server ip port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
serviceengine_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — ID of the Node. Eg. if query is SE specific then it would have SE UUID. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
start (optional)
Query Parameter — Start time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is UNIX Epoch. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
step (optional)
Query Parameter — step interval in seconds. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
stop (optional)
Query Parameter — End time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is now. Negative numbers mean relative time from now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — UUID of the Tenant. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "metric_id" : "aeiou",
  "stop" : "aeiou",
  "series" : [ {
    "data" : [ {
      "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "obj_id" : "aeiou",
      "anomaly_model" : "aeiou",
      "anomaly_context" : {
        "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "hw_at_as_context" : {
          "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "level" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
        "hw_at_ms_context" : "",
        "ewma_context" : "",
        "ema_context" : {
          "normal_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "average" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "normal_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "max_std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
      "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
      "priority" : "aeiou",
      "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "value" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
      "timestamp" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "header" : {
      "server" : "aeiou",
      "obj_id" : "aeiou",
      "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
      "serviceengine_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "derivation_data" : {
        "skip_backend_derivation" : true,
        "include_derivation_metrics" : true,
        "derivation_fn" : "aeiou",
        "exclude_derived_metric" : true,
        "metric_ids" : "aeiou",
        "second_order_derivation" : true,
        "join_tables" : "aeiou",
        "result_has_additional_fields" : true
      "metrics_min_scale" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
      "units" : "aeiou",
      "priority" : true,
      "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "tenant_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "metrics_sum_agg_invalid" : true,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "metric_description" : "aeiou",
      "dimension_data" : [ {
        "dimension_id" : "aeiou",
        "dimension" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "missing_intervals" : [ {
        "start" : "aeiou",
        "end" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "statistics" : {
        "min" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "max" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "max_ts" : "aeiou",
        "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "mean" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "min_ts" : "aeiou",
        "sum" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "last_sample" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "num_samples" : 123
  } ],
  "start" : "aeiou",
  "step" : 123,
  "url" : "aeiou"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK AnomalyzerQueryResponse


log in failed

get /analytics/anomaly/serviceengine/


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

include_name (optional)
Query Parameter — All the Avi REST reference URIs have a name suffix as URI#name. It is useful to get the referenced resource name without performing get on that object.
skip_default (optional)
Query Parameter — Default values are not set.
name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name
aggregate_obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — Aggregate metrics for all the records for obj_id. When this is set obj_id is treated as a filter rather than a dimension. Field introduced in 17.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_NONE, METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_COUNT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation_window (optional)
Query Parameter — factor of aggregation window to the step. Eg. if requirement to is aggregate count ever 30 mins using 5 minute samples then value is 6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
detailed_header (optional)
Query Parameter — ability to reduce the information returned in header. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dimension_filter_op (optional)
Query Parameter — Filters the obj_id based on the filter specified. Enum options - METRICS_FILTER_EQUALS, METRICS_FILTER_LIKE, METRICS_FILTER_CONTAINS, METRICS_FILTER_NOT_EQUALS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
entity_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — uuid of the entity type. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_refs (optional)
Query Parameter — Resolve uuid to references. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_related (optional)
Query Parameter — include anomalies from related objects. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — Max number of metric samples. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_entity (optional)
Query Parameter — Metrics Types supported. Enum options - VSERVER_METRICS_ENTITY, VM_METRICS_ENTITY, SE_METRICS_ENTITY, CONTROLLER_METRICS_ENTITY, APPLICATION_METRICS_ENTITY, TENANT_METRICS_ENTITY, POOL_METRICS_ENTITY. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_id (optional)
Query Parameter — This is of the form l4_server. comma seperated values. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
model (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - EXPONENTIAL_MOVING_AVG, EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS, HOLTWINTERS_AT_MS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — object id like vip or server ip. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
order_by (optional)
Query Parameter — Positive means sort from start and Negative sign means sort from end. Only metric_timestamp is supported for now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page (optional)
Query Parameter — page id for the anomaly query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page_size (optional)
Query Parameter — size of each page of anomalies. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
pool_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — Pool name. This will apply to any backend stats that are specified in the query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
priority (optional)
Query Parameter — High priority Anomaly. Enum options - ANZ_PRIORITY_HIGH, ANZ_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, ANZ_PRIORITY_LOW. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
result_format (optional)
Query Parameter — format of the data returned. Enum options - METRICS_FORMAT_JSON, METRICS_FORMAT_CSV, METRICS_FORMAT_TXT, METRICS_FORMAT_PROTOBUF. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
server (optional)
Query Parameter — server ip port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
serviceengine_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — ID of the Node. Eg. if query is SE specific then it would have SE UUID. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
start (optional)
Query Parameter — Start time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is UNIX Epoch. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
step (optional)
Query Parameter — step interval in seconds. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
stop (optional)
Query Parameter — End time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is now. Negative numbers mean relative time from now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — UUID of the Tenant. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "next" : "aeiou",
  "count" : 123,
  "results" : [ {
    "metric_id" : "aeiou",
    "stop" : "aeiou",
    "series" : [ {
      "data" : [ {
        "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "obj_id" : "aeiou",
        "anomaly_model" : "aeiou",
        "anomaly_context" : {
          "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "hw_at_as_context" : {
            "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "level" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
          "hw_at_ms_context" : "",
          "ewma_context" : "",
          "ema_context" : {
            "normal_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "average" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "normal_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "max_std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
        "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
        "priority" : "aeiou",
        "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "value" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "timestamp" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "header" : {
        "server" : "aeiou",
        "obj_id" : "aeiou",
        "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
        "serviceengine_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "derivation_data" : {
          "skip_backend_derivation" : true,
          "include_derivation_metrics" : true,
          "derivation_fn" : "aeiou",
          "exclude_derived_metric" : true,
          "metric_ids" : "aeiou",
          "second_order_derivation" : true,
          "join_tables" : "aeiou",
          "result_has_additional_fields" : true
        "metrics_min_scale" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "units" : "aeiou",
        "priority" : true,
        "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "tenant_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "metrics_sum_agg_invalid" : true,
        "name" : "aeiou",
        "metric_description" : "aeiou",
        "dimension_data" : [ {
          "dimension_id" : "aeiou",
          "dimension" : "aeiou"
        } ],
        "missing_intervals" : [ {
          "start" : "aeiou",
          "end" : "aeiou"
        } ],
        "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "statistics" : {
          "min" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "max" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "max_ts" : "aeiou",
          "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "mean" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "min_ts" : "aeiou",
          "sum" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "last_sample" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "num_samples" : 123
    } ],
    "start" : "aeiou",
    "step" : 123,
    "url" : "aeiou"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK AnomalyzerQueryResponseApiResponse


log in failed

get /analytics/anomaly/serviceengine/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

include_name (optional)
Query Parameter — All the Avi REST reference URIs have a name suffix as URI#name. It is useful to get the referenced resource name without performing get on that object.
skip_default (optional)
Query Parameter — Default values are not set.
aggregate_obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — Aggregate metrics for all the records for obj_id. When this is set obj_id is treated as a filter rather than a dimension. Field introduced in 17.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_NONE, METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_COUNT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation_window (optional)
Query Parameter — factor of aggregation window to the step. Eg. if requirement to is aggregate count ever 30 mins using 5 minute samples then value is 6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
detailed_header (optional)
Query Parameter — ability to reduce the information returned in header. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dimension_filter_op (optional)
Query Parameter — Filters the obj_id based on the filter specified. Enum options - METRICS_FILTER_EQUALS, METRICS_FILTER_LIKE, METRICS_FILTER_CONTAINS, METRICS_FILTER_NOT_EQUALS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
entity_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — uuid of the entity type. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_refs (optional)
Query Parameter — Resolve uuid to references. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_related (optional)
Query Parameter — include anomalies from related objects. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — Max number of metric samples. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_entity (optional)
Query Parameter — Metrics Types supported. Enum options - VSERVER_METRICS_ENTITY, VM_METRICS_ENTITY, SE_METRICS_ENTITY, CONTROLLER_METRICS_ENTITY, APPLICATION_METRICS_ENTITY, TENANT_METRICS_ENTITY, POOL_METRICS_ENTITY. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_id (optional)
Query Parameter — This is of the form l4_server. comma seperated values. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
model (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - EXPONENTIAL_MOVING_AVG, EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS, HOLTWINTERS_AT_MS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — object id like vip or server ip. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
order_by (optional)
Query Parameter — Positive means sort from start and Negative sign means sort from end. Only metric_timestamp is supported for now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page (optional)
Query Parameter — page id for the anomaly query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page_size (optional)
Query Parameter — size of each page of anomalies. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
pool_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — Pool name. This will apply to any backend stats that are specified in the query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
priority (optional)
Query Parameter — High priority Anomaly. Enum options - ANZ_PRIORITY_HIGH, ANZ_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, ANZ_PRIORITY_LOW. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
result_format (optional)
Query Parameter — format of the data returned. Enum options - METRICS_FORMAT_JSON, METRICS_FORMAT_CSV, METRICS_FORMAT_TXT, METRICS_FORMAT_PROTOBUF. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
server (optional)
Query Parameter — server ip port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
serviceengine_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — ID of the Node. Eg. if query is SE specific then it would have SE UUID. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
start (optional)
Query Parameter — Start time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is UNIX Epoch. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
step (optional)
Query Parameter — step interval in seconds. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
stop (optional)
Query Parameter — End time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is now. Negative numbers mean relative time from now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — UUID of the Tenant. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "metric_id" : "aeiou",
  "stop" : "aeiou",
  "series" : [ {
    "data" : [ {
      "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "obj_id" : "aeiou",
      "anomaly_model" : "aeiou",
      "anomaly_context" : {
        "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "hw_at_as_context" : {
          "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "level" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
        "hw_at_ms_context" : "",
        "ewma_context" : "",
        "ema_context" : {
          "normal_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "average" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "normal_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "max_std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
      "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
      "priority" : "aeiou",
      "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "value" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
      "timestamp" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "header" : {
      "server" : "aeiou",
      "obj_id" : "aeiou",
      "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
      "serviceengine_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "derivation_data" : {
        "skip_backend_derivation" : true,
        "include_derivation_metrics" : true,
        "derivation_fn" : "aeiou",
        "exclude_derived_metric" : true,
        "metric_ids" : "aeiou",
        "second_order_derivation" : true,
        "join_tables" : "aeiou",
        "result_has_additional_fields" : true
      "metrics_min_scale" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
      "units" : "aeiou",
      "priority" : true,
      "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "tenant_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "metrics_sum_agg_invalid" : true,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "metric_description" : "aeiou",
      "dimension_data" : [ {
        "dimension_id" : "aeiou",
        "dimension" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "missing_intervals" : [ {
        "start" : "aeiou",
        "end" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "statistics" : {
        "min" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "max" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "max_ts" : "aeiou",
        "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "mean" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "min_ts" : "aeiou",
        "sum" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "last_sample" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "num_samples" : 123
  } ],
  "start" : "aeiou",
  "step" : 123,
  "url" : "aeiou"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK AnomalyzerQueryResponse


log in failed

get /analytics/anomaly/virtualservice/


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

include_name (optional)
Query Parameter — All the Avi REST reference URIs have a name suffix as URI#name. It is useful to get the referenced resource name without performing get on that object.
skip_default (optional)
Query Parameter — Default values are not set.
name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name
aggregate_obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — Aggregate metrics for all the records for obj_id. When this is set obj_id is treated as a filter rather than a dimension. Field introduced in 17.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_NONE, METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_COUNT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation_window (optional)
Query Parameter — factor of aggregation window to the step. Eg. if requirement to is aggregate count ever 30 mins using 5 minute samples then value is 6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
detailed_header (optional)
Query Parameter — ability to reduce the information returned in header. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dimension_filter_op (optional)
Query Parameter — Filters the obj_id based on the filter specified. Enum options - METRICS_FILTER_EQUALS, METRICS_FILTER_LIKE, METRICS_FILTER_CONTAINS, METRICS_FILTER_NOT_EQUALS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
entity_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — uuid of the entity type. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_refs (optional)
Query Parameter — Resolve uuid to references. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_related (optional)
Query Parameter — include anomalies from related objects. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — Max number of metric samples. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_entity (optional)
Query Parameter — Metrics Types supported. Enum options - VSERVER_METRICS_ENTITY, VM_METRICS_ENTITY, SE_METRICS_ENTITY, CONTROLLER_METRICS_ENTITY, APPLICATION_METRICS_ENTITY, TENANT_METRICS_ENTITY, POOL_METRICS_ENTITY. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_id (optional)
Query Parameter — This is of the form l4_server. comma seperated values. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
model (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - EXPONENTIAL_MOVING_AVG, EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS, HOLTWINTERS_AT_MS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — object id like vip or server ip. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
order_by (optional)
Query Parameter — Positive means sort from start and Negative sign means sort from end. Only metric_timestamp is supported for now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page (optional)
Query Parameter — page id for the anomaly query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page_size (optional)
Query Parameter — size of each page of anomalies. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
pool_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — Pool name. This will apply to any backend stats that are specified in the query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
priority (optional)
Query Parameter — High priority Anomaly. Enum options - ANZ_PRIORITY_HIGH, ANZ_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, ANZ_PRIORITY_LOW. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
result_format (optional)
Query Parameter — format of the data returned. Enum options - METRICS_FORMAT_JSON, METRICS_FORMAT_CSV, METRICS_FORMAT_TXT, METRICS_FORMAT_PROTOBUF. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
server (optional)
Query Parameter — server ip port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
serviceengine_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — ID of the Node. Eg. if query is SE specific then it would have SE UUID. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
start (optional)
Query Parameter — Start time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is UNIX Epoch. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
step (optional)
Query Parameter — step interval in seconds. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
stop (optional)
Query Parameter — End time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is now. Negative numbers mean relative time from now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — UUID of the Tenant. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "next" : "aeiou",
  "count" : 123,
  "results" : [ {
    "metric_id" : "aeiou",
    "stop" : "aeiou",
    "series" : [ {
      "data" : [ {
        "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "obj_id" : "aeiou",
        "anomaly_model" : "aeiou",
        "anomaly_context" : {
          "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "hw_at_as_context" : {
            "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "level" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
          "hw_at_ms_context" : "",
          "ewma_context" : "",
          "ema_context" : {
            "normal_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "average" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "normal_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
            "max_std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
        "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
        "priority" : "aeiou",
        "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "value" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "timestamp" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "header" : {
        "server" : "aeiou",
        "obj_id" : "aeiou",
        "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
        "serviceengine_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "derivation_data" : {
          "skip_backend_derivation" : true,
          "include_derivation_metrics" : true,
          "derivation_fn" : "aeiou",
          "exclude_derived_metric" : true,
          "metric_ids" : "aeiou",
          "second_order_derivation" : true,
          "join_tables" : "aeiou",
          "result_has_additional_fields" : true
        "metrics_min_scale" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "units" : "aeiou",
        "priority" : true,
        "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "tenant_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "metrics_sum_agg_invalid" : true,
        "name" : "aeiou",
        "metric_description" : "aeiou",
        "dimension_data" : [ {
          "dimension_id" : "aeiou",
          "dimension" : "aeiou"
        } ],
        "missing_intervals" : [ {
          "start" : "aeiou",
          "end" : "aeiou"
        } ],
        "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
        "statistics" : {
          "min" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "max" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "max_ts" : "aeiou",
          "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "mean" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "min_ts" : "aeiou",
          "sum" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "last_sample" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "num_samples" : 123
    } ],
    "start" : "aeiou",
    "step" : 123,
    "url" : "aeiou"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK AnomalyzerQueryResponseApiResponse


log in failed

get /analytics/anomaly/virtualservice/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the object to fetch


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

include_name (optional)
Query Parameter — All the Avi REST reference URIs have a name suffix as URI#name. It is useful to get the referenced resource name without performing get on that object.
skip_default (optional)
Query Parameter — Default values are not set.
aggregate_obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — Aggregate metrics for all the records for obj_id. When this is set obj_id is treated as a filter rather than a dimension. Field introduced in 17.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_NONE, METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_COUNT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation_window (optional)
Query Parameter — factor of aggregation window to the step. Eg. if requirement to is aggregate count ever 30 mins using 5 minute samples then value is 6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
detailed_header (optional)
Query Parameter — ability to reduce the information returned in header. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dimension_filter_op (optional)
Query Parameter — Filters the obj_id based on the filter specified. Enum options - METRICS_FILTER_EQUALS, METRICS_FILTER_LIKE, METRICS_FILTER_CONTAINS, METRICS_FILTER_NOT_EQUALS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
entity_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — uuid of the entity type. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_refs (optional)
Query Parameter — Resolve uuid to references. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_related (optional)
Query Parameter — include anomalies from related objects. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — Max number of metric samples. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_entity (optional)
Query Parameter — Metrics Types supported. Enum options - VSERVER_METRICS_ENTITY, VM_METRICS_ENTITY, SE_METRICS_ENTITY, CONTROLLER_METRICS_ENTITY, APPLICATION_METRICS_ENTITY, TENANT_METRICS_ENTITY, POOL_METRICS_ENTITY. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_id (optional)
Query Parameter — This is of the form l4_server. comma seperated values. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
model (optional)
Query Parameter — Enum options - EXPONENTIAL_MOVING_AVG, EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS, HOLTWINTERS_AT_MS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id (optional)
Query Parameter — object id like vip or server ip. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
order_by (optional)
Query Parameter — Positive means sort from start and Negative sign means sort from end. Only metric_timestamp is supported for now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page (optional)
Query Parameter — page id for the anomaly query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page_size (optional)
Query Parameter — size of each page of anomalies. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
pool_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — Pool name. This will apply to any backend stats that are specified in the query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
priority (optional)
Query Parameter — High priority Anomaly. Enum options - ANZ_PRIORITY_HIGH, ANZ_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, ANZ_PRIORITY_LOW. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
result_format (optional)
Query Parameter — format of the data returned. Enum options - METRICS_FORMAT_JSON, METRICS_FORMAT_CSV, METRICS_FORMAT_TXT, METRICS_FORMAT_PROTOBUF. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
server (optional)
Query Parameter — server ip port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
serviceengine_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — ID of the Node. Eg. if query is SE specific then it would have SE UUID. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
start (optional)
Query Parameter — Start time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is UNIX Epoch. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
step (optional)
Query Parameter — step interval in seconds. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
stop (optional)
Query Parameter — End time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is now. Negative numbers mean relative time from now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_uuid (optional)
Query Parameter — UUID of the Tenant. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "metric_id" : "aeiou",
  "stop" : "aeiou",
  "series" : [ {
    "data" : [ {
      "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "obj_id" : "aeiou",
      "anomaly_model" : "aeiou",
      "anomaly_context" : {
        "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "hw_at_as_context" : {
          "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "level" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
        "hw_at_ms_context" : "",
        "ewma_context" : "",
        "ema_context" : {
          "normal_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "average" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction_interval_low" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "normal_high" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "prediction" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "deviation" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
          "max_std_dev" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125
      "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
      "priority" : "aeiou",
      "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "value" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
      "timestamp" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "header" : {
      "server" : "aeiou",
      "obj_id" : "aeiou",
      "obj_id_type" : "aeiou",
      "serviceengine_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "derivation_data" : {
        "skip_backend_derivation" : true,
        "include_derivation_metrics" : true,
        "derivation_fn" : "aeiou",
        "exclude_derived_metric" : true,
        "metric_ids" : "aeiou",
        "second_order_derivation" : true,
        "join_tables" : "aeiou",
        "result_has_additional_fields" : true
      "metrics_min_scale" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
      "units" : "aeiou",
      "priority" : true,
      "entity_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "tenant_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "metrics_sum_agg_invalid" : true,
      "name" : "aeiou",
      "metric_description" : "aeiou",
      "dimension_data" : [ {
        "dimension_id" : "aeiou",
        "dimension" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "missing_intervals" : [ {
        "start" : "aeiou",
        "end" : "aeiou"
      } ],
      "pool_uuid" : "aeiou",
      "statistics" : {
        "min" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "max" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "max_ts" : "aeiou",
        "trend" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "mean" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "min_ts" : "aeiou",
        "sum" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "last_sample" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
        "num_samples" : 123
  } ],
  "start" : "aeiou",
  "step" : 123,
  "url" : "aeiou"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK AnomalyzerQueryResponse


log in failed



[ Jump to Methods ]

Table of Contents

  1. AnomalyContext
  2. AnomalyData
  3. AnomalyDataSeries
  4. AnomalyzerQuery
  5. AnomalyzerQueryResponse
  6. AnomalyzerQueryResponseApiResponse
  7. ExponentialMovingAverageCtx
  8. HoltWintersCtx
  9. MetricStatistics
  10. MetricsDataHeader
  11. MetricsDerivationData
  12. MetricsDimensionData
  13. MetricsMissingDataInterval

AnomalyContext Up

ema_context (optional)
ExponentialMovingAverageCtx Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ewma_context (optional)
ExponentialMovingAverageCtx Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
hw_at_as_context (optional)
HoltWintersCtx Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
hw_at_ms_context (optional)
HoltWintersCtx Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
prediction_interval_high (optional)
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
prediction_interval_low (optional)
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double

AnomalyData Up

anomaly_context (optional)
AnomalyContext Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
anomaly_model (optional)
String Deprecated. Enum options - EXPONENTIAL_MOVING_AVG, EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS, HOLTWINTERS_AT_MS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
entity_uuid (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id_type (optional)
pool_uuid (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
priority (optional)
String Enum options - ANZ_PRIORITY_HIGH, ANZ_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, ANZ_PRIORITY_LOW. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double

AnomalyDataSeries Up

data (optional)
array[AnomalyData] Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
MetricsDataHeader Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AnomalyzerQuery Up

aggregate_obj_id (optional)
Boolean Aggregate metrics for all the records for obj_id. When this is set obj_id is treated as a filter rather than a dimension. Field introduced in 17.2.1. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation (optional)
String Enum options - METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_NONE, METRICS_ANOMALY_AGG_COUNT. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
aggregation_window (optional)
Integer factor of aggregation window to the step. Eg. if requirement to is aggregate count ever 30 mins using 5 minute samples then value is 6. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
detailed_header (optional)
Boolean ability to reduce the information returned in header. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dimension_filter_op (optional)
String Filters the obj_id based on the filter specified. Enum options - METRICS_FILTER_EQUALS, METRICS_FILTER_LIKE, METRICS_FILTER_CONTAINS, METRICS_FILTER_NOT_EQUALS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String uuid of the entity type. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_refs (optional)
Boolean Resolve uuid to references. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_related (optional)
Boolean include anomalies from related objects. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
limit (optional)
Integer Max number of metric samples. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
String Metrics Types supported. Enum options - VSERVER_METRICS_ENTITY, VM_METRICS_ENTITY, SE_METRICS_ENTITY, CONTROLLER_METRICS_ENTITY, APPLICATION_METRICS_ENTITY, TENANT_METRICS_ENTITY, POOL_METRICS_ENTITY. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_id (optional)
String This is of the form l4_server. comma seperated values. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
model (optional)
String Enum options - EXPONENTIAL_MOVING_AVG, EXPONENTIAL_WEIGHTED_MOVING_AVG, HOLTWINTERS_AT_AS, HOLTWINTERS_AT_MS. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id (optional)
String object id like vip or server ip. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
order_by (optional)
String Positive means sort from start and Negative sign means sort from end. Only metric_timestamp is supported for now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
page (optional)
Integer page id for the anomaly query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
page_size (optional)
Integer size of each page of anomalies. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
pool_uuid (optional)
String Pool name. This will apply to any backend stats that are specified in the query. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
priority (optional)
String High priority Anomaly. Enum options - ANZ_PRIORITY_HIGH, ANZ_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, ANZ_PRIORITY_LOW. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
result_format (optional)
String format of the data returned. Enum options - METRICS_FORMAT_JSON, METRICS_FORMAT_CSV, METRICS_FORMAT_TXT, METRICS_FORMAT_PROTOBUF. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
server (optional)
String server ip port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
serviceengine_uuid (optional)
String ID of the Node. Eg. if query is SE specific then it would have SE UUID. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
start (optional)
String Start time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is UNIX Epoch. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
step (optional)
Integer step interval in seconds. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
stop (optional)
String End time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is now. Negative numbers mean relative time from now. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_uuid (optional)
String UUID of the Tenant. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

AnomalyzerQueryResponse Up

metric_id (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
series (optional)
array[AnomalyDataSeries] Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Integer Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
url (optional)
String url

AnomalyzerQueryResponseApiResponse Up

Integer format: int32
next (optional)

ExponentialMovingAverageCtx Up

Double Average value for the metric. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
Double Deviation of last sample to the average. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
Double Maximum standard deviation recorded. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
normal_high (optional)
Double Deprecated. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
normal_low (optional)
Double Deprecated. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
Double Predicted value for the metric at the time instant. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
prediction_interval_high (optional)
Double Lower boundary of the range of normal values for this metric. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
prediction_interval_low (optional)
Double Lower boundary of the range of normal values for this metric. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
Double Standard deviation. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double

HoltWintersCtx Up

deviation (optional)
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
level (optional)
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
prediction (optional)
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
prediction_interval_high (optional)
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
prediction_interval_low (optional)
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
trend (optional)
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double

MetricStatistics Up

last_sample (optional)
Double value of the last sample. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
max (optional)
Double maximum value in time series requested. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
max_ts (optional)
String timestamp of the minimum value. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
mean (optional)
Double arithmetic mean. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
min (optional)
Double minimum value in time series requested. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
min_ts (optional)
String timestamp of the minimum value. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
num_samples (optional)
Integer Number of actual data samples. It excludes fake data. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: int32
sum (optional)
Double summation of all values. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
trend (optional)
Double slope of the data points across the time series requested. trend = (last_value - avg)/avg. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double

MetricsDataHeader Up

derivation_data (optional)
MetricsDerivationData Metrics derivation info. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
dimension_data (optional)
array[MetricsDimensionData] Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
entity_uuid (optional)
String entity uuid. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metric_description (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
metrics_min_scale (optional)
Double Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition. format: double
metrics_sum_agg_invalid (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
missing_intervals (optional)
array[MetricsMissingDataInterval] Missing data intervals. data in these intervals are not used for stats calculation. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String name of the column. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id (optional)
String object ID of the series when object ID was specified in the metric. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
obj_id_type (optional)
pool_uuid (optional)
String pool_id for the metric. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
priority (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
server (optional)
String server ip port. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
serviceengine_uuid (optional)
String Service Engine ref or UUID. Field introduced in 17.2.8. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
statistics (optional)
MetricStatistics statistics of the metric. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
tenant_uuid (optional)
String Tenant ref or UUID. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
units (optional)

MetricsDerivationData Up

exclude_derived_metric (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
include_derivation_metrics (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
join_tables (optional)
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
result_has_additional_fields (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
second_order_derivation (optional)
Boolean Field introduced in 17.2.8. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
skip_backend_derivation (optional)
Boolean Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

MetricsDimensionData Up

String Dimension ID. Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.

MetricsMissingDataInterval Up

String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
String Allowed in Enterprise edition with any value, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.