How to view logs on Avi Vantage for a specific duration
The log query system on Avi Vantage returns only 10000 logs for a given period since this operation is memory intensive. If the number of logs exceeds 10000, Avi REST API calls are used to check logs for a specific duration or period.
REST API to retrieve event logs for the last day:
REST API to retrieve event logs for the last hour:
The above API calls will retrieve only one page of event logs for that particular duration. To retrieve complete event logs, append ‘&page_size=10000’ to the API query. This will fetch up to 10000 event logs.
API to retrieve event logs for the last day with no paging:
The log query system is limited to returning at most 10000 logs for a given period, going beyond the threshold value is memory intensive. Work around is to check logs for a shorter period.If the number of event logs exceeds 10000, use the following APIs.
API to retrieve event logs for the last hour:
API to retrieve event logs for for a specific time period:
https://<cluster_ip>/api/analytics/logs?type=2&duration=3600&page_size=10000&end=2017-11-20T18:00:00 —this will fetch one hours’ events from 1700 to 1800 hours.
API To retrieve logs with a specific start and end time: