CLI: HTTP Cache Configuration


This article describes the CLI commands that are most commonly used for configuring the HTTP cache.  

: > show applicationprofile System‐HTTP     

| Field                             | Value                             |
| uuid                              | applicationprofile‐0‐2            |
| name                              | System‐HTTP                       |
| type                              | APPLICATION_PROFILE_TYPE_HTTP     |
| http_profile                      |                                   |
|   ...                             | ...                               |
|   cache_config                    |                                   |
|     enabled                       | True                              |
|     xcache_header                 | True                              |
|     age_header                    | True                              |
|     date_header                   | True                              |
|     min_object_size               | 100                               |
|     max_object_size               | 4194304                           |
|     default_expire                | 600                               |
|     heuristic_expire              | False                             |
|     max_cache_size                | 0                                 |
|     query_cacheable               | True                              |
|     mime_types_group_refs[1]      | System‐Cacheable‐Resource‐Types   |
|     aggressive                    | False                             |

enabled ­ Enable/disable HTTP object caching.

False = disable True = enable

xcache_header ­ Enable/disable adding an X-Cache header to content served from the cache, which indicates to the client that the object was served from an intermediate cache.

False = disable True = enable

age_header ­ Enable/disable adding an Age header to content served from the cache, to indicate to the client the number of seconds the object has been in the cache.

False = disable True = enable

date_header ­ If a Date header was not added by the server, add a Date header to the object served from the cache. This indicates to the client when the object was originally sent by the server to the cache.

False = disable True = enable

query_cacheable ­ Allow caching of objects whose URI included a query argument. When disabled, these objects are not cached. When enabled, the request must match the URI query to be considered a hit.

False = disable True = enable

default_expire ­ Default expiration time of cache objects received from the server without a Cache­Control expiration header. This value may be overwritten by the Heuristic Expire setting heuristic_expire.­ If a response object from the server does not include the Cache-Control header, but does include a Last-Modified header, the system will use this time to calculate the Cache-Control expiration. If unable to solicit a Last-Modified header, then the system will fall back to the Cache Expire Time value.

False = disable True = enable

min_object_size ­ Minimum size object to store in the cache.

False = disable True = enable

max_object_size ­ Maximum size object to store in the cache.

False = disable True = enable

max_cache_size ­ Maximum size, in bytes, of the cache. The default (zero) indicates auto configuration.

mime_types_list ­ Allowed cacheable mime types. If both the Cacheable Mime Types string list and string group are empty, this defaults to the following: ///

text//, images//

mime_types_black_list ­ Blocklist non­-cacheable mime types.

text/css, text/blah

mime_types_group_uuids ­ Allowed string group of cacheable mime types.

mime_types_black_group_uuids ­ Blocklist string group of non­cacheable mime types.

aggressive ­ Enable/disable caching objects without Cache­Control headers.

False = disable True = enable


Show Cached Objects from the Pool’s Cache

: > show pool prod-l7-pool httpcache

Config: enabled=True min_object_size=0 max_object_size=0 max_cache_size=33363600 default_expire=600
  age_header=True xcache_header=True heuristic_expire=0 date_header=True query_cacheable=0 aggressive=0
URI: /test.js
  ctype: application/x-javascript
  raw_key: pool-0-4]
  key: c5d6c9adf844e1c8671707e98bd1f767
  data_size: 43056 meta_size: 205 hdr_size: 310 body_size: 42746 mbuf_head: 0x600006fb8880
  date_time: 1410026395 last_mod_time: 1409662024 etag: "830a10a95fb2a1cac5290f:1409662024"
  CLI Support
   (Sat Sep 6 17:59:55 2014) (Tue Sep 2 12:47:04 2014)
  in_time: 1410026395 exp_age: 604800 init_age: last_used: reuse_cnt:
  (Sat Sep 6 17:59:55 2014) (Sat Sep 13 17:59:55 2014)
  handle: 0x600000df1548 proc_id: C1_L7 refcnt: 1
  mcache_out: has_vary: True no_exp_info: exp_age_hrt: is_expired:
  is_purged: no_txm: proxy_reval: must_reval: reval:
  ae_type_bm: 0xb (IGD) ce_type_bm: ce_top: is_chunked:

Show Cache Statistics

: > show pool prod-l7-pool httpcachestats

| Field             | Value          |
| se_ref            | SE_Aggregate   |
| proc_id           | PROC_Aggregate |
| available_size    | 667273600      |
| current_size      | 19680552       |
| objects           | 925            |
| lookups           | 3244           |
| hits              | 1              |
| additions         | 941            |
| deletions         | 16             |
| out_of_mem_evicts | 0              |
| served_bytes      | 1706           |


Clear Cache Objects

: > clear pool prod‐l7‐pool httpcache


Clear Cache Statistics

: > clear pool prod‐l7‐pool httpcachestats

Filter Cache Objects

Five cache-specific filtering options are defined, as revealed by the below show command (ending with two TAB characters). The same filters can be used with the clear pool subcommand.

: > show pool test-vs-pool httpcache filter 
key                 HTTP cache object's exact key.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
raw_key             HTTP cache object's exact raw key.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
resource_name       HTTP cache object's resource name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
resource_type       objects with resource type                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
type                HTTP cache object type.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Example 1: Show the cached entry to which a 32-byte hash key points.

: > show pool prod-l7-pool httpcache filter key c5d6c9adf844e1c8671707e98bd1f767

Example 2: Show the cached entry identified using cache key notation “$upstream_uuid]$host:$server_port$uri$is_args$args”.

: > show pool prod-l7-pool httpcache filter raw_key pool-934687ad-beb6-45ef-9043-7a3c22174032]

Example 3: Show the cached entries whose URI contains the indicated substring.

: > show pool vs1-pool httpcache filter resource_name /nyc-1/box 

  Example 4: Show the cached entries based on Content-Type header

: > show pool prod-l7-pool httpcache filter resource_type html

URI: /boxtv.cms
ctype: text/html
key: d6fae30e568de8cef6fd40f5
  data_size: 763             meta_size: 160
  date_time: 1410026396      last_mod_time: 1409953279
    (Sat Sep 6 17:59:56 2014)  (Fri Sep 5 21:41:19 2014)
  in_time: 1410026396        exp_age: 13283
    (Sat Sep 6 17:59:56 2014)  (Sat Sep 6 21:41:19 2014)

Example 5: Show all cached in/out/all entries.

: > show pool test-vs-pool httpcache filter type co_in 
: > show pool test-vs-pool httpcache filter type co_out 
: > show pool test-vs-pool httpcache filter type co_all