SAML Authentication Policies


SAML authentication policies is configured as a part of the client authentication implementation. The authentication policy is a combination of rules that are to be matched and their corresponding actions. The rules can be configured to match for client IP, host header, or path match.

The following section discusses configuring authentication policy with corresponding rules and action.

Configuring Auth Policy Using the Avi UI

To configure the authentication policy using the Avi UI,

  1. Navigate to Templates > Security > SSO Policy. Note: Alternatively, you can navigate to the virtual service where SSO Policy is bound. From the Edit Virtual Service screen, go to Policies > Access > SAML, select the **SSO Policy attached to the virtual service. Click the pen icon to edit the SSO Policy.

  2. Go to Authentication > Authentication Rules.

  3. Click Add.

  4. In the Authentication Rule screen, enter Name of the Rule.

  5. Ensure the option Enable Rule is selected.

  6. Add a match condition and action, as required.


  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Save.

CLI Configuration

The following are the steps to configure authentication policy:

  1. Edit the configured SSO policy or create a new SSO policy

  2. Create the authentication rules and specify the match condition

  3. Define the action for the rules configured

Configuring Authentication Policy and ​Binding Authentication Profile

To configure SAML authentication policy on Avi Vantage follow the steps below:

Editing the configured SSO policy or create a new SSO policy

To configure SAML authentication policy on Avi Vantage using CLI, follow the steps below:

[admin:controller]: > configure ssopolicy auth-policy-testSAML-SSOpolicy
[admin:controller]: ssopolicy>  
authentication_policy   (submode) 

Creating Authentication Rules

Configure the authentication rules using the authn_rules command.

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy> authn_rules name rule_1
   New object being created
   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules> index 1
   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules> match
   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match>
    client_ip     (submode)
    host_hdr      (submode)
    path          (submode)  

As shown above, the rules can be configured based on three parameters, namely, client IP , host header and path. These are explained in detail as follows:

Client IP

The client IP address of incoming requests will be matched with the rules configured. If a match is found for the client IP, the corresponding rule gets executed:

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match>
   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match> client_ip

The client IP match can be the client IP address, address range, IP prefixes, or an IP group.

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:client_ip>
   addrs            IP address(es)
   group_refs       name of IP address group(s)
   match_criteria   Criterion to use for IP address matching the HTTP request
   prefixes         IP address prefix(es)
   ranges           (submode)
   save             Save and exit the current submode

Example: The following code snippet displays configuring a match for client IP address

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:client_ip> addrs
   addrs            IP address(es)
   group_refs       name of IP address group(s)
   match_criteria   Criterion to use for IP address matching the HTTP request
   prefixes         IP address prefix(es)

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:client_ip> addrs group_refs Internal

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:client_ip> match_criteria
    is_in       is in the configured value(s)
    is_not_in   is not in the configured value(s)

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:client_ip> match_criteria is_in

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:client_ip>  

Note: Client IP is subject to the option Use_True_Client_IP. Client IP might be equal to source IP from layer-3 header or equal to the fetched IP from user-defined HTTP header. For more information refer to True Client IP in L7 Security Features.

Host Header

The host header is matched from the configured list of the host header values. Host header can be configured to be case sensitive aware.

The following code snippet displays configuring a match for host header:

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match>
   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match> host_hdr match_criteria hdr_
   hdr_begins_with           header value begins with the configure value(s)
   hdr_contains              header value contains configured value(s)
   hdr_does_not_begin_with   header value does not begins with the configure value(s)
   hdr_does_not_contain      header value  does not contains configured value(s)
   hdr_does_not_end_with     header value does not ends with the configured value(s)
   hdr_does_not_equal        header value does not equals the configured value(s)
   hdr_does_not_exist        header does not exist in the HTTP request
   hdr_ends_with             header value ends with the configured value(s)
   hdr_equals                header value equals the configured value(s)
   hdr_exists                header exists in the HTTP request


The following code snippet displays configuring a match for host header that begins with

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match> host_hdr match_criteria hdr_begins_with
   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:host_hdr> value
   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:host_hdr> save 

Path Match

The path match is matched based on the string group or list of the string values of the path. The path match can be configured to be case sensitive aware.

The following code snippet displays configuring a path match that begins with a string group reference configured for string match/avinetworks.

   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match>
   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match> path
   [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:path>
   match_case          Case sensitivity to use for the matching
   match_criteria      Criterion to use for matching the path in the HTTP request URI.
   match_str           String values
   string_group_refs   name of the string group(s)

  [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:path> match_criteria
  begins_with            begins with the configured value(s)
  contains               contains the configured value(s)
  does_not_begin_with    does not begin with the configured value(s)
  does_not_contain       does not contain the configured value(s)
  does_not_end_with      does not end with the configured value(s)
  does_not_equal         does not equal the configured value(s)
  ends_with              ends with the configured value(s)
  equals                 equals the configured value(s)
  regex_does_not_match   regex pattern does not match with the configured value(s)
  regex_match            regex pattern matches with the configured value(s)

Example: The following code snippet displays configuring a path match that begins with a string group reference configured for string match/index.html.

  [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:path> string_group_refs System-Cacheable-Resource-Types
  [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:path> match_str /avinetworks match_str /index.html
  [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:path> match_criteria begins_with
  [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:match:path> save  

Define the Action for the Rules Configured

Currently the following two actions are supported:

  • Skip authentication - To skip authentication if any one of the rules is matched

  • Use default authentication - To use SAML authentication if any one of the rules is matched

     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules> action
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:action> type
     skip_authentication          Skip Authentication
     use_default_authentication   Use Default Authentication     

    To configure the action as skip authentication, following command can be used:

    [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:action> type skip_authentication
    [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy:authn_rules:action> save     

To view the statistics for the rules executed, use the show virtualservice virtual_service ssopolicy stats and show virtualservice virtual_service internal commands.

Configuring Multiple Indexed Authentication Rules

You can configure multiple indexed authentication rules under each policy. The rules are evaluated in the following order:

  • Index Numbering. The rules are evaluated in the order of the index of the rules, i.e., the rule with index number 1 will be evaluated before the rule with index number 2.

  • The action corresponding to the first rule that is matched is performed and the rest of the rules will be skipped.

  • If no rule is matched, then by default authentication wil be performed.

Each rule is a combination of a parameter match and an action. The parameter can be a client IP (client_ip), host header (host_hdr), or a path match (path).

Note: Host header and path can be configured to be case sensitive aware.